Chapter 11

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Hey, quick question.  Anybody have a reason why Varian had a giant hair machine in the middle of his lab just sitting there?  Already set and ready?  Somone I know came up with the theory that he had made it to test his own hair.  Even if the blue streak is not supposed to be a magical, but still.

Also, thank you so much, everyone, for the 1k views.  It means a lot to me.


Varian felt something tickeling his face.  Slowly, he opened his eyes.  Upon seeing a masked creature in front of his face, he sat up as he cried out.  The raccoon jumped, running out of his room by climbing out the window.  "What on earth?"  Varian gasped, setting a hand on his chest.

Shaking his head, Varian looked over to where his alchemy supplies were.  He clenched his fists.  Ruth was right.  His voice needed to be heard too, but he wasn't going to do it by speaking.  He'd make them listen by action.  It was time he figured what exactly was going on with his powers and hair.


It had been three days since he started working on the machine to test his and Rapunzel's hair.  He didn't even have time to cover it with a tarp before Rapunzel burst in.  "Hey, Varian!  Whatcha been up to?  You've basically hauled yourself in here since the Ruth incident."

"Punzie!  Gosh darn it!  You almost made me break it!"  Varian took in a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Oh, sorry... what are you making?"

Varian sighed.  "Keep your voice down and keep it a secret, ok?  I'm making something to analyze our hair."

"But didn't my Dad tell you not to-"

"I'm aware of what Fredric said, but you are just as aware as me that Fredric is not aware of just how important it is to find the answers about this.  He'll understand why I have to do this once we figure out the truth.  What have you been up to today?"

"Oh!  We have a new horse named Axel that joined the Royal Guard.  I think Max is getting a little jealous though..."

Varian laughed.  "Really?  Max?  Jealous?  How?  After all, he is the horse that helped returned the princess.  What's he to lose?"

"Do you want to come meet him?"

"Why not?  I'm almost done.  We'll test this baby later."

"Can't wait!"  Rapunzel admitted.

"Ok, I'm ready, just help me with this tarp, will ya?"

"Of course!"  Rapunzel helped Varian put the tarp over his machine.  "Let's go!"  She linked her arm in his and led the way through the halls.

"What are you two up to?"  Cassandra teased as they passed by.

"I'm introducing Varian to Axel, the new guard horse," Rapunzel explained.

"And then we'll stop by the stables to talk to Maximus, he seems to be a little jealous apparently," Varian added.  "Do you wanna come?"

"Well, I guess I've got nothing better to do, so why not?"  Cassandra shrugged as she began to follow them to the court yard.

"Hey, Pete!  Hi, Stan!  Where's Axel?"  Rapunzel waved at the two guards.

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