Chapter 2

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These are their designs I made a few months ago.


"Remember, it's just greeting the people as they come in.  Don't worry."  Arianna put a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

Rapunzel smiled at her and nodded as she touched the purple earrings.  Her ears had only been pierced the day before.  She noticed Eugene and Lance in the crowd and began to wave enthusiastically to them.  They waved back.  Fredric cleared his throat, making Rapunzel realize that the wave wasn't 'proper'.

She took in a deep breath as the first carriage came riding up.  A woman came out in her perfect posture.  Rapunzel suddenly took her in for a big bear hug.  "It's so nice to meet you!"

Arianna and Fredric sighed inwardly, the King even slightly grimacing.  Varian, who stood beside Arianna, didn't notice that it wasn't the proper way to greet guests, and envied how she could so easily befriend people.  Cassandra, standing beside the King, stared wide eyed, wondering what would happen.  She had picked up that the big hugs weren't a thing in 'business'.

Rapunzel backed off and let the woman proceed.  Fredric leaned in a little and whispered in her ear.  "Maybe hold back on the bear hugs a little."

"Oh, right.  No bear hugs.  Gotcha, sorry." Rapunzel flushed.

The next wagon came and this time it was a man.  His name was long and even Varian, who memorized entire compound formulas at a glance, had trouble remembering it.  "Wow!"  Rapunzel rubbed her arm.  "That's a bit of a mouthful.  Can I call you Jimmy?"

"I'd prefer that you didn't."  The man continued walking.

"Oh, ok.  Nice meeting you!"  Rapunzel called.

Cassandra sighed silently and looked sadly at her sister.  People just didn't know what they were missing.  Yes, Rapunzel could be a little over obnoxious at times, but still.  She was a good friend and would never leave you if she could help it.  She was loyal in that way.

The next carriage came, and a lady came out with a large wig.  "Woe!  I love your hair!  I used to have really long hair too, but-"

"This is a wig.  The bigger the wig the higher one's status is.  You'd think you'd know that." She fanned herself.

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you!" Rapunzel shook off the snobbery.

"Hmm, well, yes, but not nice enough to wear shoes I see."  The duchess continued on her way.

Fredric looked down.  Rapunzel and her siblings were all barefoot.  Everything else was perfect.  Cassandra merely shrugged.  Varian had a deep blush on his face as he looked down.  Rapunzel gave her father an apologetic look.  "Sorry."


Rapunzel hugged her knees as she sat in the boat.  Eugene walked up to her.  "Soooooo, I think we have learned a very valuable lesson today, there is a time and place for bear hugs," he gave a nervous chuckle.  Seeing that it wasn't being much help, he sat down in the boat next to her.  "Hey, what's up?"

"Do you ever feel like there's more out there than just tea parties and waving and shoes?"

"Blondie, I've been to every side of the Seven Kingdoms.  And this?  Man, the stuffy stuff doesn't get much better than this,"  Eugene said this, meaning to make her feel better, but by the look on her face, it wasn't turning out very well.  He got down in the boat next to her.  "That's not what you meant… sorry…"  he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's just…  it's almost like…  I don't know…  maybe I'm just being a stick in the mud,"  Rapunzel sighed.  "You love it here, there's tons of offers for Cassandra, and Varian…  he's begun to feel comfortable here.  He's still afraid to go outside the castle walls.  The only public appearances he's had is when we stand in front of the castle and a couple trips into town with you to see Xavier.  I guess I'm the only one who's craving for… not more, but…  that's the thing.  I don't exactly know what I want.  I just have this feeling that I'm not ready for this life just yet.  Maybe in the future, I don't know…  I just feel… trapped."

"Rapunzel, you are far from a stick in the mud."  He grasped her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.  "And I may not know one hundred percent why you feel this way, but I'll let you know: I'm always here for you.  You can always come to me."

"Thanks, Eugene."  She gave him a weak smile and they both drew in for a kiss.

"Nice to see you, Fritzherjerk!"

Both Rapunzel and Eugene jumped at the sudden, loud vocal sound.  Eugene tipped over the boat, splashing into the water.  The princess was able to hold the boat to keep from following.  The former thief's head surfaced the water.  He tried to wipe the water off his face.  He looked at the dock that the boat was next to.  There, Cassandra stood, hands on her hips with a smirk on her face.  Varian was sitting on the edge of the dock and couldn't hold in a small giggle.

"Oh, wait.  I lied.  It's not,"  Cassandra added.

Eugene frowned at her.  "Oh, look, it's dragon lady come back to haunt me again."

"Better get used to it,"  Cassandra said.  She turned to her sister.  "Hey, Raps.  Cane sent us to bring you back in.  We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow and she doesn't want us to be too tired for it."

"Oh, ok."  Rapunzel accepted Cassandra's hand and got onto the dock.  Eugene rolled unceremoniously into the boat.  "Sorry, Eugene.  Maybe another time?"

"Of course.  See ya later, Blondie."

"See ya later, Eugene,"  Varian waved as he began to follow his sisters.

"You too, kid."


Rapunzel tossed and turned in her bed.  Finally, after giving up on sleeping on her own, she snuck into Cassandra's room.  "Cass, are you awake?"

"I am now,"  she groaned.

"Would it be ok if I spent the night with you?  Like the old days?"

Cassandra scooted over and patted the bed.  Rapunzel got into the bed next to her sister.  The older one looked at her with tired eyes in the dark.  "Something bothering you?"

"Well…"  Rapunzel didn't get to finish that send before the door creaked open.  The two looked in its direction.

Varian's head was peeping in.  Cassandra held in a sigh.  Her bed was big enough to hold two more.  Have the whole castle come to her if they willed.  She patted the bed in between her and Rapunzel.  The two sisters always agreed he should have middle so he could have both sisters on either side.  He always calmed down faster that way.

He needed no second bidding.  He sunk into the bed, and Cassandra could feel him shaking.  Rapunzel noticed too and the sisters looked at each other.  "Was it another bad dream?"  Rapunzel pressed.

"Y-yeah… nothing more…"  Varian replied.

For some reason, Cassandra felt like it was a lie, but she didn't know why it would be.  Unless something actually happened, or maybe he just didn't feel alright yet.  He was obviously still deeply shaken by whatever it was.

"Do you want to talk about it?"  Rapunzel asked.

Varian shook his head and gave another shudder.  Both sisters scooted in closer to him.  He seemed to calm down a little when they did.  Cassandra ruffled his hair.  "Come on, why don't you get back to sleep.  We're both right here for you."

"Mm-kay…"  he said quietly as he closed his eyes.  It wasn't long before Rapunzel did likewise.

Cassandra laid awake with Varian snuggling close to her.  Again, she wasn't the snuggling type, but sometimes she didn't mind because she could use it herself.  This night, she had been just fine but her two siblings both weren't.  It was harder for them to adjust to everything, or she liked to pretend that she was adjusted.  She didn't know what she was supposed to do to help them.  As the eldest, they were her responsibility and she had to find a way to make things right.  Whatever it was she'd have to do, she'd have to find it.

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