Crawling Back to the Light (Part One)

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A force push sent Anakin and the other clones flying back, some of them hitting the bunks. Rex didn't understand the force, but even he knew this was just plain powerful. As the captain wobbled up, he ran to the bunk where Ahsoka had resided, only to find her gone, nowhere to be found. The only thing left was the force binding cuffs.

"We have to find her! Rex, try to track her comm."

The captain nodded and went to work. Anakin faced the others, who were awaiting orders. He dusted himself off, his mind running through different possibilities.

"Torrent Company, with me. Wildfire and the others, fan out. If you find her, approach with caution. Make sure your blasters are set to stun. Contact me if you find anything. Go go go!"

As the other companies kit up their armor and ran out the door, Anakin faced Rex and the other remaining clones.

"Talk to me, Rex. Where is she?"

There was a pause before the captain answered, holding up the nonblinking device.

"Sir, it seems like her comm is destroyed. I can't find a signal anywhere."

Anakin's brows furrowed. For the others, seeing the usually confident general this worried, muttering, and pacing around the barracks was a sign to show them that this was serious. They didn't know why, and now they needed information if everyone wanted this task to be successful.

"Sir? May I ask some questions first?"

Anakin nodded, his focus on locating Ahsoka's presence.

"Who's the Son? S-He said that he was the Son, but we don't know who or what that is."

Anakin snapped out of his trance and rubbed his face. To Rex, he looked like a tired man, struggling to fight through life. He knew because he saw it on his own face every day. The general sighed.

"The Son....Mortis...sit down. It's a long story."


"Did you ever know of the evil lurking under your precious Jedi temple?"

The Son spoke aloud, knowing that the togruta in his head could hear him. As he had run out of the Resolute, he had attempted to transform himself into a gargoyle, which turned to be in vain. His goal was to now recharge in the darkness, and he could already feel it trying to crawl out under the temple. shoved under the blinding light of the Jedi. He was met with silence for two minutes, then a defiant answer.

No, cause there isn't one.

"So close-minded. There actually is, and I'm going to find it. Know your enemy. Does that sound familiar?"

He could sense the padawan's slight understanding. There was still a lot of confusion. As he reached the temple ground, he masked his presence.

"Go on. I know you have questions, so ask them."

What enemy?

"The Sith, of course."

Curiosity and wariness radiated from Ahsoka.

Wait. Wouldn't they be your allies? What about the Jedi?

"This particular Sith wouldn't bow to me, even with the power I possess. He wants to stay at the top, as do I. The Jedi, the Sith, they're the same thing. Something that will turn to dust under my control. I will wipe them both out of this galaxy until the dark side reigns the galaxy. Only those who pledge to me may stay."

Horror erupted from the togruta and he rubbed his forehead, soothing the headache the togruta was causing.

So you're not on any side?

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