Author's Note

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hey guys!!

i know the last update for this thing was probably around 3 months ago, but i'm definitely not abandoning this! the thing is i didn't expect the future chapters so i'm not sure how this fic would end. my inspiration these past few months have been decreasing vastly, but some nights i still write! it's a slow process, but one day, i'll (hopefully) get back on track.

i decided that rewriting this fic would make it easier to brainstorm ideas! i'm not going to take this fic down, but i'm already re-outlining the first chapter and i'll replace it when it's ready. the ideas are the same, but i feel like my writing style has changed compared to "beginner" me, so i will definitely change the pov problems and improve in other areas for better reading enjoyment!!

this note will get removed if i ever get back to rewriting this!

i apologize for the halt in my writing, but a massive writer's block has been standing in my way for many months now and i'm not even sure if it will ever go away. so, it may take a while for the re-edited versions to come out.

that's it for me! i hope you all have a nice day/night, and with covid around, be sure to stay safe and take care! until next time :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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