Her Head is a Battlefield (Part 2)

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I'm here after a week because this chapter also only has about 850 words. I promise the next chapter is going to have a lot, so it's between one and a half week to about two weeks for the next update. Hope you enjoy! The Son AND the Daughter is bold italicized and Ahsoka is italicized.

Right when Ahsoka leaves the mess hall...

Ahsoka was running, running away from her vode, the ones she never wanted to hurt.

You may try child, but once you are under my control, you won't have any power over your body anymore. I vowed that you will be mine, and I stand by it. Maybe I will kill some of the clones and make you watch from your own head. They don't know me and will think it was you all along.

Tears threatened to run down as she turned around each hallway. The inevitable was coming, and if it was coming to life, it would be her fault if someone got hurt. The Son always treated this as a game, him the predator and she the prey.

I won't let you!

Child, some things are bound to change, and you're one of them. You should be honored that you were chosen by me, the powerful embodiment of the dark side!

She reached a lit room, and when she faced the mirror inside, she could see the black veins were already crawling up her neck. Part of her lekku was still the blue hue that she normally saw every day, but the bottom parts of it were already black, webs of black spiraling around it.

She turned off the light and closed the door, hoping that no one would find her. Then she heard it. It wasn't the Son's voice. It was a gentle tinkling, her voice sounding like bells winging in the distance.

You are not alone Ahsoka. Always remember that. You have your family.

The Daughter had finally broken through the Son's grip, if only for a while. He snarled as he fought her in Ahsoka's head, trying to put her in her place. He did, but Ahsoka heard the advice already.

Anakin! Anakin could control you...he's the Chosen One! If he controlled you on Mortis, he can control you now.

She could feel the Son's desperation now.

If you contact your master, you are revealing everything you've tried to hide. You're giving away your power!

Some sacrifices need to be made for the greater good. Killing Krell was a good thing. I'll just tell the council you're the one who did it.

The council will never be strong enough against me.

No, but you're not strong enough against my master, remember?

She smiled at the silence that was returned until she felt the numbness shoot from her neck to her cheek faster than you could say 'Shili.' Immense pain followed as the Son slammed into her shields, her defenses slowly crumbling as he gained more control.

Well, let's make sure your Chosen One doesn't know. He won't know how to stop me now.

Tears silently streamed down her cheeks as he broke through her shields again and again. She whimpered quietly, her hands shaking so badly that one of her lightsabers began to loosen in her grip. She could feel the cold numbness almost reaching its prize, and she heard the lights turn on with running footsteps following it.


"Little'un, are you okay?"

She tried to convey the words 'go away' but it was stuck in her throat, trying to claw out of her mouth.

"Hey, look at me."

The lightsaber fell as the Son took possession of part of her mind. The other part that was still hers was like a trapped animal, terrified and dangerous. She dimly heard her lightsaber drop to the floor.


"This weapon is your life," Anakin said, holding her new shoto in his hand, "Always keep it with you."

End flashback

"Ahsoka, what's going on?!" Rex asked, worried. She just dropped her weapon of life without a care. She heard him take a step forward and she spun around, hoping for someone to just get her help. To get Anakin.

"Stay back," she whimpered. The faces of shock, horror, and concern etched on the clones' faces were almost enough to make her lash out against the Son.

Rex slowly raised his hands in surrender as he slowly backed away. Her eyes flicked to the mirror, and she saw what they saw. Her eyes were sickly yellow, her electric cerulean barely visible in the churning waves of yellow and scarlet. Her skin was the color of ash, and the black veins were already at her forehead, closing in on their destination. Her fangs were elongated to the longest size possible, with her pupils turning the smallest she's ever seen them. Red flowed down her eyes and up the curve of her montrals, like the Son's markings. She didn't even know what it was made out of...and maybe it was her blood. She needed to send for help now. The Son laughed at her desperation.

She ignited her lightsaber and slowly brought it up in front of her, not of her doing, but of the Son's. But the clones would never know that. They would think it's her.

"Find him, Rex," she said in a whisper. She knew he heard it, but he was still confused.

"Find Anakin, now!"

Her body wasn't hers anymore and neither was her mind but before she could give away her control, she force pushed the clones out of the training room, slamming the doors shut and locking herself in.

Immediately the Son shoved her in what used to be his place and all she could do was bang against his mind's door until her knuckles were raw. Not even a dent was made.

So maybe I'll see you in one and a half week(s)? Yeah, I will :D (so basically the same day as my ortho appointment aww SHIT)

Ik this chapter might feel like a repeat from the last chapter in a different perspective, but I promise it's gonna get good in the next chapter :) (So please stay ;-;)

Also, I need some help. What two genres would this fic fit in? I wouldn't say horror because it's not really bloody, but I'm not sure. Can someone comment, please? Thanks XD

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