Her Head is a Battlefield (Part 1)

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I think I'm not supposed to write the Son like he's an annoying voice in her head but let's roll with it. By the way, this will switch from Ahsoka's POV to Rex's POV, so I hope you can see where it begin. Remember bold italicized is the Son while italicized is just the Ahsoka or other people.

After Ahsoka and Rex came back from the Zygerria mission, the clones and Ahsoka have gone back to normal. Well almost. They were still a bit jumpy when they heard another Jedi that's not their commander ignite their lightsaber and once in a while, they had nightmares about it, which caused them to start clone cuddle piles.

Every night, every clone including their commander would push their mattresses together on the floor. They would use the bare blankets they had to create a fort of some kind to keep warm. Since there were many people, there would be various cuddle piles in different places. But the snuggles served their purpose; to make each other feel safe and loved. It was everyone's favorite part of going to bed, where they could all escape the horrors of the day.

Ahsoka and the others were eating dinner in the mess hall. They had R&R for a few more days before going back to the frontlines, which they were all grateful for. After all, throwing someone back into a war filled with dead brothers after coming back from a traumatic experience wouldn't be a very good idea. Umbara might've been weeks ago, but the mind plays tricks on everyone. Although they all looked at ease, they were still highly alert. Especially Ahsoka. The Son would talk to her every single day, about how she would fall to the dark side sooner or later with him using her as the perfect puppet. In Zygerria, she almost couldn't keep the dark side inside her; the closest she got to use it was fuelling her rage to throw Atai off the building. She had already tried shielding but it just didn't work anymore. So she let him say the bullshit he had to say. And he had a lot to let out. Once, she tried to write an essay but she couldn't even write a sentence because she was too busy being disgusted about the Son's talk of goring his enemies and making them his slaves.

You were trapped on Mortis his whole life! How the kriff did you make enemies if no one lives there?

Stupid child. The followers of Ashla and those who seek to have higher power than me need to be destroyed.

She remembered that conversation very well. It was the day she realized she was chosen by the Son to be his vessel. She had done her best to follow the Jedi code and show compassion to everyone her entire life.

Why me? Why not someone else? Do I deserve it?

My father asked only for you, the Chosen One, and his master. The Chosen One wouldn't comply with my wishes and I have chosen you. Sadly, my dear sister has too but I am much stronger than her right now. I will poison you slowly until you submit to the dark side.

I will never submit to you. I am stronger than that. You even said your sister has chosen me. I am strong enough to withstand you for I will always stand in the light.

Then I will be forced to make you submit!

He had dissipated from her mind, and she hadn't heard anything from him for a few days.

Is he finally gone? She tapped her fork. No, I must always be on my guard.

After his threat, she turned more paranoid, looking around through the empty space as if the tendrils of the dark side were floating through the air, ready to twist her into a monster. The clones already asked her if she was okay, and she nodded in affirmative. This was her business, and hers alone. If she was chosen to carry the burden, then she'll endure it, no matter the cost. Everyone's lives depended on her keeping the Son contained and she knew it.

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