A Much Needed Filler

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Okay, guys, for this story, Ahsoka wasn't supposed to be at Umbara but she decided to join them (it'll be kinda explained in the story so if you still have questions you can put it in the comments below and I'll answer it /edit the chapter to let more people understand easily). And also, the 212th and the 501st didn't kill each other; Ahsoka found out about his plan and stopped it. (I don't think I'll write it but I'm not sure lmao). For this fic, it's basically taking place between The Beginning (Chapter 1) and Aftermath of Umbara Part 1 (Chapter 2). When I finish this fic, I might probably move some stuff around, but this is a filler chapter. Bold italicized is the Son, and italicized is Ahsoka.

Before the Aftermath of Umbara/After the Beginning...

Anakin wasn't sure what happened while he was gone. He had asked Obi-Wan about his experience on Umbara, but his master also didn't know what actually occurred on the other side of the planet. Anakin had come rushing to the planet on the Twilight when he felt his padawan's bond flood with something akin to darkness. When he arrived, the only thing left was a traumatized Ahsoka and clones that would only trust the togruta.

He had yelled, happy to see that she was safe but when he shouted her nickname, she flinched, throwing his memory back to the time on Mortis when they were dueling. The clones around her whirled around, wild eyes searching for the source of the unexpected loudness. As they landed on Anakin, instead of relaxing like they usually did, they tensed up, everyone's eyes landing on his lightsaber hilt resting on his belt. He froze, the force feeling chaotic and strained from all of the different emotions.

"It's okay boys, it's just my master."

Ahsoka walked from her spot to greet Anakin, a smile that seemed half genuine and half fake. He grinned at her, though he was hurt and confused about why his men didn't seem comfortable around him. Rex was also walking behind his commander, with his back straight and his head facing forward.

"Snips? What happened?"

She looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about?" Rex stayed silent, knowing that Ahsoka's got it covered.

Every clone around them was listening to the conversation, making sure that nothing was spilled. Everyone knew what Anakin was asking about, but they all agreed not to mention it to anyone.

If anyone found out that the clones executed Krell, they would be sent to Kamino for reconditioning and no one wanted that. So, Fives and Echo, being the useful ARC-Troopers, decided to take on the job of creating a story that would fit the turn of events without exposing the number of GAR regulations broken.

After all, Ahsoka wasn't even supposed to be on the planet but Rex had used his private comm and asked her to assist them in battle, and she came to their aid immediately. That was already pushing it, given that clones his status aren't allowed to call for reinforcements without the general's permission. She would be in more trouble if anyone else found out that it was she who let them gun down the besalisk, all of them disgusted by his actions and deciding that his death would secure everyone's lives.

Before Anakin could question some more, a loud whirring was heard overhead and a ship landed in the docking bay. Obi-Wan and Cody came out and joined the trio.

"Anakin. Ahsoka. Captain." Obi-Wan greeted.

Cody nodded at Rex, who returned his nod sharply, every inch the unfeeling trooper that the Kaminoans had tried to train them to be. Cody frowned, and Ahsoka nudged the captain's side, sending him a look. Rex had the closest relationship to Ahsoka since he was the clone that Anakin threw the snippy girl on since Christophsis. They could communicate just by the lift of a brow or the twist of a mouth due to their understanding of each other from fighting together over the years. After all, they always had each other's back. Judging from her straight mouth and the slight shake of her head, he tried to relax a bit. Ahsoka seemed satisfied with his action and turned back to the group. Cody was still eyeing Rex with a frown and Obi-Wan looked between the captain and his grandpadawan curiously.

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