Aftermath of Umbara (Part 2)

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Hi guys! Sorry, I didn't update as soon as I wanted to; I had schoolwork (and another story to outline) but I didn't think I had time to write something until Ahsoka1708 and Ahsokafan45 asked (thank you btw hehe). This chapter is kinda messed up to be honest because I had to keep rewriting her nightmare because it didn't come out the way I wanted it to. Well, continuing on with the story, I hope you enjoy it!

Keep in mind: italicized is Ahsoka's thoughts and bold italicized belongs to the Son.

Ahsoka was in a gruesome battle. Sweat ran down her neck and a prickly feeling was sitting in the back of her mind, making her feel uncomfortable as she deflected bolt after bolt. She was in Umbara, fighting against the unseen enemy. She looked around as she deflected bolt after bolt and saw bodies mangled beyond belief. She looked away, but that was a mistake. She spotted Anakin and Obi-Wan but their faces were so mutilated she almost didn't recognize them until she saw the ghost of Anakin's smirk still sitting on his face. She was horrified, horrified that she couldn't protect them, angered at the world for using her men as slaves, enraged that the so-called peacekeepers of the Jedi have been turned into soldiers by joining the war. Most of all, she was afraid. She was scared of the emotions she was feeling, for fear of falling and never coming back. There is no emotion, there is peace floated through her mind but she pushed the thought aside. She was grieving for the clones; no one would honor them except the ones that they fought beside, and she was the only one alive. She put her rage and hate into her fighting, running forward to slash at the attackers, protecting the dead bodies behind her. In the beginning, a sort of joy erupted in her as she killed. It could've been minutes, it could've been days, but right when she felt like she couldn't fight any longer, the blasting stopped. She straightened and looked around and her eyesight blurred when a realization hit her. Everyone she loved was dead. She kneeled in the dirt praying to the force that this wasn't real. 

This is what happens when you are too weak to save everyone you love.

As she stood up, turning around to walk out of the battlefield, she realized she hadn't seen Rex or the others. She looked around, tried to find some sign of life, and she then heard a moan of agony behind her. She whirled around and found the source of the noise. It was her closest brothers, the ones who weren't dead like the others. There was an area that hadn't been there before, but Kix, Jesse, Echo, Fives, Rex, and Dogma were each chained separately.

"Why commander? Why did you fail us?" Rex whispered, blood trickling down his temple.

"I didn't mean to! I was trying to protect all of you!" she exclaimed, trying to find out who hurt them. She would take revenge on the person who had inflicted pain on them.

"You lie." Jesse accused, his eyes narrowing at her as he regarded her with one eye. His other eye was an empty bloody socket. Her heart stopped as she processed the words.

I failed them. They said I failed them.

"Your recklessness and stupidity got everyone killed and now you have to pay the consequences. You're much worse than Krell." Echo said, his anger directed at her. His armor for his left leg and right arm weren't there and there were deep gashes in his skin, with trails of blood slowly going down.

"No! I'm not him!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening as more unbidden tears came. I'm not the one who hurt you!

But you did; you allowed this to happen. If you couldn't protect anyone but yourself, then what good are you to others? You're exactly like him; you killed the ones who cared about you because you weren't strong enough. And now look, your only brothers, the ones who make you happy are now accusing you of failing them.

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