The Council's Suspicions

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Italicized is Ahsoka's thoughts/other things and bold italicized is the Son talking in her head. There would be mixed POVs in here (Ahsoka and Rex). 

Ahsoka woke up from her sleep to an insistent beeping on her comlink attached to the side of her bed. She rubbed her eyes and yawned as she lowered the sound. The time shone 0607 and she opened her inbox, finding a message waiting for her. The message was from her master.

Snips. The council called us for a meeting by 0700 for your mission debriefing so you better hurry. Don't wanna be late like last time.

She smiled and climbed down her bed, making sure to do so quietly, since she knew everyone needed their rest. The clones would wake up in about an hour, and she didn't want to disturb them. She went to her room in the Resolute, brushing her teeth and changing into her maroon outfit, hooking her lightsabers at her side. Before she walked out of the ship, she stopped at the mess hall for a quick bite and continued her way into the Jedi Temple.


When she got there, she was five minutes early. However, everyone was already there, including her master and the council members, and she bowed in greeting. She sent Anakin a smile and he winked back.

"Padawan Tano, you gave us your mission report from Umbara and it stated how Master Krell died," Master Fisto began.

Ahsoka nodded, and she felt a slight stir in the back of her mind as if something was waking up. Her eyes opened minutely, and she knew who it was. Him.

"May you describe the turn of events for us again?" Master Luminara asked. Ahsoka nodded slowly and mustered up the disguised story in her head, also projecting her images in her mind to fit along. She tried her best in explaining the fake death of Krell, and the Council members seem satisfied, causing her to relax as it ended. 

The Son had not said a word to her ever since that morning and she was glad, although a bit unsettled. That feeling went away as the council questioned her again and again, the same questions. Three hours later, she walked out of the council room, feeling exhausted from all the projections she showed in her head. She headed towards the Resolute.


In the council chambers...

"Ahsoka seems different, don't you think?"

The council members turned towards Obi-Wan, looking at him in question. Obi-Wan looked towards Anakin, who was waiting patiently to speak.

"Knight Skywalker, may you explain?"

Anakin nodded and told the Council everything. When he told them how she spent most of her time with the clones now, some council members looked like they were going to give a lecture on forming attachments to soldiers that are bred to die, but he immediately moved on, annoyed that the Jedi would actually think that. He told them how she seemed distant, her and the soldiers looking at him and Obi-Wan like they didn't know them at all. This disturbed some members, until Anakin to them what Ahsoka told him about the death of Krell.

 "That doesn't seem right," Plo Koon said, breaking the silence.

"Master Krell was a powerful Jedi, how could he just die like that?" 

It was quiet again as every member of the council chamber tried to think of reasons. Some masters thought that Ahsoka or the clones were the ones who killed Krell but quickly brushed that thought away, the recent explanation of events not adding up.

Master Yoda had been quiet for the whole time, watching everyone say their opinion. The force was...clouded, around Padawan Tano and Skywalker's legion. Something seemed off, and he couldn't pinpoint it, even after centuries of living with the Force. He had an idea.

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