Crawling Back to the Light (Part Two)

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Bold italicize = the Son/the Daughter

Italicize = Ahsoka/other people (such as Sith spirits, Obi-Wan, Anakin, clones, etc)

Update took one month because of Febuwhump (check it out in my other book if you want but I'm still not done with 4 prompts :I; remind me to never write character hurt 31 days in a row) and because I was screeching with chaos company on discord everyday


"We have arrived, oh Great One."

That's a new one.

The Son was met with no answer but feelings of disgust from the two beings residing in his mind. He mentally shrugged.

"Thank you for your faithfulness so far. Be sure to not let anyone enter, both Jedi and Sith. You might be dead, but I have ways to make you feel pain, and you will be punished if any of my orders are disobeyed. Understood?"

He felt their apprehension, their underlying current of fear making him grin sadistically. He turned away from them and lifted a hand, the dark waters parting for him as he walked through to the center of the room. The symbol of Bogan was tiled on the floor and it glowed as he connected his mind to the source of power. He closed his eyes and opened himself to the shrine, letting the cold power of the dark side flow through him.

Screams were heard in his head, but to him, it sounded like music. He cackled, Ahsoka's voice intertwined with his own, the water churning restlessly for their master.

The weak light couldn't handle the darkness at its full roar.


Obi-Wan and Anakin stumbled from the dark side's growth in power, spikes of pain erupting in every Jedi's mind. Chancellor Palpatine, who was alone in his office signing papers, felt the waves of dark wash over him.

A dark side source? Close by?

He stepped out of his chair, then stopped. If he checked the origin of the power right now, it would be very suspicious, ruining his plan of building his Empire. Yes, he will meditate on this instead. He closed his eyes and his mind drifted to the well of power. He came across shields of beskar, the dark side whipping around it like a tornado with the wielder of it being the calm eye of the storm. He attempted to break in, only to be flung out. As he fell out of his chair from the unexpected retaliation, he heard cackling from a familiar voice, a sinister voice lying under it.

Foolish man. Stay out of things that don't belong to you.


"Sirs? What happened?" Kix asked, his brows furrowing from the unknown source of the problem.

"I sensed a disturbance in the force originating from the Temple. We will have to tell the council, that is, if they haven't felt it themselves," Obi-Wan answered, already regaining his balance and making his way to his destination. He dimly felt Ahsoka's presence pass through, and seconds after, darkness swath the Temple, but he thought he imagined his grandpadawan's presence.

Turns out the council members were rushing to the chambers to discuss the sudden imbalance in the force. Crèche masters were quieting the sobbing younglings, and padawans clung to their masters like glue. As the five-oh-first continued their search, Obi-Wan and Anakin strode into the Council chambers to find questions flung everywhere.

"What was that?

"It was so cold."

"What are we going to do?"

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