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POV change

The next morning I woke up in my old room, so I figured my brother must've got home from work late and put me in there so I didn't have to sleep on their couch.

I looked at the time and it read six forty-five, so I got up and headed to the kitchen where Shylie was making breakfast. "Hey smelly magee." I smiled as he ruffled my already knotted hair "hey Charlie." He smiled "you gonna help her with the horses today?" I nodded "always. I didn't come out here to just watch." He chuckled and stood up placing his plate by sink "well then you best get to it. Those horses aren't going to train themselves. Oh and uh you might want to check your phone it was going nuts last night." I nodded "I will when I'm done eating." He kissed his wife goodbye and ruffled my hair one last time before leaving for work.

Once I was done eating I changed into clean clothes, did my hair, and lastly checked my phone which had five missed calls, and twenty unread messages just from Raph and a missed call from everyone else as well as at least ten unread messages from them. "Apparently I'm famous today." I called Raph back and stepped outside and he picked up almost immediately.

R: Y/n?
Y: hey buddy
R: look I'm sorry about yesterday. Can you just come home please?
Y: *sigh* I'm spending some time with my family or else I would. I have to help-

Shylie walked out of the house with Blaine on her hip "who are you on the phone with?" I turned around to face her "Raph why?" She sighed "can he come out and watch Blaine while we work with the horses?" I bit my lip "he's not a big fan of kids." She sighed "well I don't want to make you do all the work and I know you won't want me to do all the work, so what sre we suppose to do?" Raph cut in from over the phone.

R: what was she asking about?
Y: uh...she needs someone to watch her baby and asked if you could, but-
R: what time do I need to be out there?
Y: uh I don't know *asks* she said whenever is best for you
R: ok I'll be out there in an hour or two
Y: ok. Its my old house by the way
R: I figured it was. See you in a while...I love you.
Y: *whispers* I love you too.

"So you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna help?" She was smiling at me "I'll come help." I noticed they had an old fashioned hot walker now and smiled "I got an idea." She followed my gaze and shook her head "absolutely not." Next thing she knew Blaine was sitting in his car seat swinging around on it as three horses walked in a circle "there problem solved." She couldn't help but laugh when she saw how happy it made him "you're sneaky you know that right?" I laughed "yeah. I learned a thing or two from living with ninjas for the past few months." She shook her head "so are two gonna kiss and make up or...?" I gave a small smile "we always do." She nudged my arm as I grabbed a halter from the fence "what?" She giggled "I just wanna give you a hard time is all." I smiled and caught the horse in the pen "just wait. I'll get you back before the days over." She laughed "yeah right."

Two hours later Raph pulled up on his bike and climbed off then walked over and watched as a horse I was supposed to get on started to buck. "She's feeling good." Shylie laughed "yeah she is." Everytime we would try to stop her so she could have a break for a minute she'd just come towards us still bucking, so I felt bad because by the time she was done she was completely covered in sweat "as bad as I felt for her maybe the stupid idiot should've listened. I dont kniw why she's acting out today." Shylie nodded as she noticed Raph "definitely. Hey Raph." She waved at him as I turned around "where's the kid?" We both pointed to where he was swinging all happy "thats...actually pretty smart." Shylie went over to help Raph get him as I unsaddled the horse who now had sweat dripping off her "god I hate doing things that way, but we couldn't stop you." I pulled it and the saddle blanket off since she was tied up then sat it on the fence so I could let her go "we'll continue later when you've regained energy." I patted her neck as she lowered her head to the ground and sniffed for a spot to roll as I grabbed the next horse.

By eleven Blaine started to get mad because he was hungry, It had been four hours since he was last fed, and he wanted his moms boob in his mouth asap.

"U-uh Y/n whats wrong?" I smiled at his panick "he's just a little hungry is all. If you pick him up it'll distract him long enough for Shylie to get over here." He shook his head "I'm not picking him up." I rolled my eyes "fine I'll come grab him and tell her he's hungry." I walked over and looked down at him "hey little buddy how about we go get some boob juice?" He gave a giant smile, so I picked him up put of his cars seat "oops I slipped." I placed him in Raphs lap and he looked down at him as he placed his hands on his little chubby body "I should've known better." He scowled at me and I laughed while walking off "oh that felt great." I turned the corner and Shylie noticed me "is Blaine hungry yet?" I nodded and she sat the buckets down "is he crying or upset at all?" I shook my head "not at the moment. Raphs holding him so he's pretty happy right now." She nodded then grinned when she saw Blaine smiling and 'vibrating' since he was so excited to be held by someone new "look how cute." I looked up and held back giggles as Blaine stared at Raph with a smile on his face and Raph just stared at him unsure of what to do with his own face.

"He growling at you yet?" He looked up at us "no...why?" I bit my lip to hold back laughter as Shylie explained that Blaine growls at people when they say certain things "Y/n will have to tell you the story. Its pretty great." She took him from Raph and went in the house "whats the story?" I giggled "you've never met my brother, but he's a big dude. He stands like six four and is two hundred plus pounds of straight muscle, well as she was breastfeeding the one day he looked at his son and asked him 'do you got MY boob in your mouth?' And he growled at my brother." Raph let out a quiet chuckle "has he growled at anyone else for anything?" I nodded "the one day some guy tried something on Shylie and Blaine wasnt having it, so he growled at the dude and the guy looked at him then asked Shylie if there was something wrong with her kid and that only earned him a punch in the mouth." He laughed "thats going to be you as a mom." I rolled my eyes "no its not." He looked at me with a brow raised and a smirk "oh really?" I nodded "yes. It won't be me because you won't be far and will probably beat the piss out of the guy." He laughed again "you know me to well." I smiled "I know." I sat down next to him in a camp chair only to have it rip out and my butt fall through onto the ground, so I was stuck.

"Raph a little help please." He looked over at me before bursting into laughter "its not funny. Help me get out." He had tears in his eyes from laughing and I couldn't help, but laugh a little too "ok ok I'll help you up...after I get a picture." He took a picture then helped me up "thanks." I chuckled "you're welcome. Now where's my payment?" I punched him in the arm "right there." I smirked "I'm kidding, but first. Is there any dirt or grass on my butt?" He blushed a little "I'm not looking." I rolled my eyes "you love looking at it any other day, so whats the difference?" He rolled his eyes and looked "you have a little." I sighed "well can you wipe it off please?" I'm sure he was either smirking or bright red "uh..sure" I felt him gently wiping it off my pants and I blushed a little thinking maybe it was a bad idea "ok there." I turned around and hugged him "sorry for getting so upset at you over something so stupid." He hugged me back "its ok. Just make sure to tell Leo or Donnie where you're going next time. Mikey wouldn't tell us and it had me worried." I leaned back and looked at him "oh so you can worry?" He rolled his eyes and I smiled before leaning in and kissing him, when we broke the kiss he smirked at me "you know your lips taste amazing." I blushed and looked away "I'm serious Y/n. If I could live off them I would." He lifted my chin, so I was looking at him and leaned in, but stopped once he got so close "can I kiss you?" I nodded as I stared into his emerald orbs, then before I knew it we were locked in a heated kiss.

That night before we left Raph was able to meet my brother, but that wasn't the only highlight of the night. As we got ready to leave I held Blaine in my arms as he did his happy baby noises and happy baby feet wiggle and Raph looked at him and smiled before gently patting his head with his hand.

"Dont go stealing her from me just because you think your cute. Shes mine and I got a few things you don't." Blaine looked him dead in the eye and growled at him while chewing on my thumb and this made Raph back up a little shocked "that was great." Charlie took him out of my hands as Raph reached for the door "make sure you guys come back one of these days and bring Raphs family. We'd really like to meet them." I smiled "we will. Bye guys love you." I shut the door as they said bye then followed Raph to his bike and climbed on behind him making sure to hold a little lower on his waist then usual and I felt him tense up before relaxing then hitting the road back to the city.

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