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POV change

"Y/n have you seen my car keys?" She groaned from the bed "no. Not since before we left for Africa." She rolled over onto her belly and put one leg up next to her makingme smile "alright I'll find them myself." I walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen where they usually hung on a hook "where did I put them?" I moved some papers and found one that was from about a year ago that had Y/ns name on it that said congratulations "what the...?" I skimmed through what it said and it was congratulating her on being pregnant "she never told me about this." I went back into the room "Y/n whats this about?" She groaned from the bed again and sat up to look at it only to have her eyes go wide "you weren't supposed to see that." I growled "why? Why was I not supposed to see it? Was the kid not mine or something?" She looked away from me and my eyes got wide "so it wasn't?" She shook her head.

"No it was I just. I didn't want you knowing about it because I didn't want you to have hope like what I did. I planned on telling you the next day, but I had a miscarriage in the middle of the night. It was when you were out on patrol with your brothers." I shook my head still irritated "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THEN?" She had tears forming in here eyes "I TRIED...but you wouldn't listen." I looked down at the paper in my hand as she got up and headed into the bathroom "Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't-" she came back out and threw a small box at me "this is from three weeks ago." I fumble around with it for a moment almost dropping it twice before finally having a good hold on it and looking up to see if Y/n was still in the doorway to the bathroom, but instead seen a closed door and realized I fucked up, so I walked over to make sure she was ok "Y/n listen I didn't mean to be such an ass. I shouldn't have reacted like that." I heard her sniffle "well maybe you should've thought about that beforehand."

I stood there for a few minutes just staring at the box before sitting down against the door with the box next to me then sat there is silence for a while before sliding a note and pencil under the door which was returned about a minute later. We passed it back and forth under the door until I heard Y/n sigh and stand up. Before I stood up the door opened and Y/n looked down at me with bloodshot eyes that were puffy and red around them.

"Are you going to open it or not?" I looked at the box then picked it up "yeah I was its just...I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know how you dont like that kind of stuff and-" she grabbed my plastron and pulled me into a kiss "its ok. I know its bound to happen in any relationship. Fights are just things you have to work through and eventually things get resolved. Now open the damn box." I smiled at her and shook my head before opening it to see four positive pregnancy tests and an ultrasound picture "I waited until I was fourteen weeks to get all this stuff done to tell you, but once again my body didn't want the baby." She looked down and rubbed her arm "hasnt the doctor told you why your body does this?" She sighed "yes she has and she also said there's a five percent chance that I could ever carry to full term, but it'd be high risk and I shouldn't do anything thats strenuous or stressful because it'll make my body abort the baby." She refused to look at me "I'm sorry Y/n."

My voice cracked and she looked at me "for what? You haven't done anything wrong Raph. No one has. Its just how things work sometimes." I shook my head "no Y/n I'm not sorry cause of that. I'm sorry because every time you get the chance to do something it gets screwed up and it's been ever since I came into your life. I brought stressful situations and a shit ton of other things." She nodded "you're right you did bring a bunch of other things. You gave me a successful singing career I never knew I wanted. You gave me happiness at my darkest times and continue to do that. You gave me chances in life I would've never got had you not walked into my life. Yeah you are kind of an ass sometimes, but you're my ass and I love you no matter what." I chuckled "how can you do that?" She raised a brow "do what?" I sighed "go from pissed to sad to frustrated to happy all in like an hour and a half of eachother?" She laughed "I dont know. I've been able to ever since my concussion from a long time ago." I shook my head "only you Y/n. Only you."

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