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POV change

Senior year the year most people looked forward too, but the year Y/n dreaded the most.

"Come on why arent you excited?" She sighed "because we have to do senior projects and if you dont finish them then you pretty much dont graduate and if your grades aren't high enough you pretty much don't graduate." I chuckled and pulled her closer to me by her waist "yeah, but couldnt you do one on horse training and have it done in like a week?" She gave me a nasty glare and I laughed "no they told me I couldn't." I raised my brows "why?" She sighed "because they know that I'll have the highest score if they allow me to do that and they don't want me to have that." I bit my tongue, but couldn't hold back from the "WHY?" That escaped my lips "I dont know Raph. I wish I did, but-" I shook my jead "they aren't getting away with this." I went to turn for the office, but she grabbed my wrist "I have something else already set up, so its fine." I growled "fine they get off easy." She giggled as we started walking again "ok hot head you better cool it." I sighed "I'm sorry ok." She just kept walking "apology accepted now I have to get to class see you next period." I shook my head before heading for my first class of the day.

At lunch I watched as all the new freshmen players walked around thinking they were hot shit. So much so they were hitting on sophomore girls and up thinking they had chances with them which some probably did, but not all of them.

"Your watching alot of things what is it?" Y/n bumped my arm a little bit "just watching the freshmen flirt with the girls older than them." She smiled "that probably would've been you as a freshman." I scoffed "yeah, but look at me compared to them. Girls would actually want me." She rolled her eyes "be nice. Not everyone is five seven and two hundred pounds of muscle and shell. There's a few that might actually have a chance with some girls." I looked around at everyone "yeah, but I don't get why they think their shit dont stink." She chuckled "not everyone knows, but you of all people should understand. If you notice most of them act like you." I rolled my eyes "ok your point is proven." She stood up "well have fun." She motioned with her head behind me, so I turned and looked only to see the football team coming my direction "I guess I'll try." She walked 9ff and seconds later the team circled the table.

"Looks like Raphies got himself a girlfriend." I glared at him "so what if I do?" Jackson piped up "we just wanna know if she's available. She's fucking hot as hell and her tough girl act only turns us on more." That one struck a nerve, but I kept my composer "what if shes not into guys like you?" The entire team went quiet and I smirked "but by all means if you think you got a chance go for it, but I will tell you this" they all went quiet as I hesitated "...she will beat your ass if you aren't careful." Jackson rolled his eyes "I got this." He walked over to where she was talking to Donnie and leaned on the wall next to Donnie who tried to say something, but Jackson ignored him and continued to shove infront of him almost knocking him over, so I continued to watch as Y/n backed Jackson into a wall and tell him what she thought about what he did and when she was done he walked back over to us and a had a smile on my face "damn shes mean." I chuckled "I taught her well didn't I?" The entire team looked to me and I chuckled again "I'm just kidding shes always had an attitude."

As I sat in my second to last class of the day my phone buzzed, so I looked at it.

Y: can you meet me in the janitors closet?
R: why?
Y: just do it. Please
R: ok give me a second

I got up from my desk and made my way over to the teacher who was grading papers. "Hey Mrs. Conner." She looked up "may I use the bathroom?" She nodded "yes, but you have to be back before class ends in thirty minutes." I nodded "ok thank you." I headed out the door and down the hall to the janitors closet where Y/n was waiting just inside the door "why did you want me to meet you here?" I crossed my arms and she sighed "because I'm..." I raised my brows "you're what?" She went bright red and looked away from me "because I'm... horny and I want you to well you know." I went a little red "u-uh ok." She went in and I followed locking the door behind us.

As she sat on one of the desks with her legs spread so I could stand between them I could tell she was nervous. "Are you sure? We don't have too." She sighed "I mean I really want to, but-" I placed my hands on her things a squoze a little "I have fingers may I need remind you." She gave a small giggled "I know, but have you seen how big they are?" I looked at them "well yeah. But they aren't much bigger then two of yours put together." She sighed then pulled me into a quick kiss "try the same size as three of mine. Just a little longer." I chuckled then kissed her again only this one lasted longer and it made me want more of her.

As things started to really pick up I pulled her closer to me and started to kiss down her neck a little careful to make sure she didn't want me to stop.

I made sure to leave a hickey on the tender spot of her neck before moving one of my hands to between her legs. Once I knew she was done I removed my hand and wiped my finger on my pants.

"Better?" She nodded and I smirked "glad I could help." She leaned forward and kissed the end of my nose making me wrinkle it up a little "I'll pay you back later. I promise." She hopped off the desk "being around you is payment enough." She giggled "ok if you say so."

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