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POV change

When school started back up none of us wanted to go back. Not even Donnie who likes school.

"Today's gonna be a long day." Y/n yawned and I chuckled "why?" She looked at me "because we start testing today and we just got back to school a month ago." I laughed "come on dudette it can't be that bad." She playfully punched my shoulder "ok Mikey just you wait." I giggled and so did she "testing is boring and I can guarantee you that you'll get in trouble for something because you get bored." Before I could say anything Y/n was tackled into a group hug by her friends "well hello to you guys too." They all laughed "you gotta hug us back or we won't let go." She hugged them back and they let go "where have you guys been?" Thdy just smiled and wouldn't say anything.

Once we were all in the school and sat down in the auditorium like we were supposed to my brothers soon joined us and Raph sat directly behind Y/n since he had to sit with the football team.

"So Y/n you got anyone to go to the dance with yet?" She turned and looked at him "no. Why?" He smirked "no reason. I was just wondering since your friends all have someone to go with...got anyone in mind?" She blushed and looked away from him "yeah, but the dance is only two days away, so I'm losing hope." He bit his lip then glanced at me and nodded "so Y/n who are you wanting to take you?" She looked at me."you already know who, so why are you asking?" Before I could answer the lights dimmed and the principle started asking everyone to be quiet.

"Today I called you all in here to discuss prom. It will be held here in the gymnasium, but there are rules you need to follow." The entire school groaned "I know rules suck. Believe me I know because I've never been one to follow rules, but back to what I was saying. The rules you need to follow are as stated. No dresses or any other piece of clothing above your finger tips when hands are at your sides. This includes things with holes in them. There will be no overly shown pda such as making out, sex and or sexual contact, or sitting in one anothers laps. You are allowed to kiss, hug, and wrap your arms around eachother, but nothing pass that. The rest of the rules are just like the ones for the school. Treat eachother with respect, and never belittle others." The bell rang signalling for us to go to our second class "everyone please exit the auditorium in an orderly fashion. If you are late to your second period class it will not count. Have a great day everyone."

POV change

The end of the day couldn't come soon enough, but when it did I found myself pacing by Mr. Banters door waiting for the signal.

"Y/n I need you to come stand right here and show everyone what good posture is when singing. Your friends will hold a cardboard sign above you to point out what should be done." I quietly opened the door and made my way over so I was behind her "now Y/n I want you to close your eyes and turn around, so the rest of the class can finish reading what this says." She turned around and faced the mirror as well as me "when I tell you I want you to open your eyes. I kneeled down imfront of her and placed both hands on my knee while holding a sign that said 'looking for the perfect fit this prom' then took a deep breath hoping this wasn't stupid.

"Ok Y/n open your eyes." They instantly fell on me then noticed writing on the sign in my hands and read 'your my perfect fit for prom. Will you go with me?' She blushed, smiled, and covered her mouth with her hands before hugging me "of course I will Raph." I hugged her back "really?" She nodded "or course. How could I say no to you?" We pulled away and just in time for the bell to ring, so I could walk her out of class.

While walking down the hall she wouldn't look at me, but I could tell she was happy by the smile on her face.

"Did you ask her?" I looked up at Leo "yeah." Y/n stopped walking and stood next to me "what'd she say?" Before I could reply Y/n butted in "I told him no." Pure shock went across his face "b-but I thought-" she giggled "I was just kidding. I told him yes." He let out a breath "that's good to hear." Him and my other two brothers met up with us "so we go home now?" Y/n nodded "yeah. I have some things to do anyway, so the sooner the better."

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