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POV change

The first day of practice didn't go as Y/n had hoped, but by our fourth practice we had got better. Not by much, but we had got better, so the fifth day she called her brother who showed up early, but was still there.

"Hey little sister." He put her in a head lock and messed up her hair "hey watch it I got crutches still." He chuckled "I know just wanted to give you a heart attack." I sat down on the bench while I waited for the rest of the team and thats when he playfully back handed me in my chest "and how are you doing red hot?" I raised a brow at him as Y/n held back laughter "I've been fine. Why do you ask?" He shrugged "can't I just ask you because I think you're good guy...or turtle. Whatever you prefer." I smiled "I guess you can." The rest of the team walked out and their jaws dropped "Y/n how'd you get him here?" She laughed "he's my older brother, so I can contact him whenever." It wasn't a secret that he was pretty much famous,  but it was a secret that he had two little sisters "no your lying." He chuckles "no shes not. Shes my little sister and that is her boyfriend." He pointed at me "now I want all of you to do seven laps around the track and when you're done you can give me twenty-five push ups." We all groaned "I didnt say you had to do them right away after you got done running. You can have fifteen second break. Now lets go people."

I was the first one done and just did my push ups right away attempting to impress Charlie, but he just glared at me as he leaned down and asked Y/n something making her giggle, but she never answered him. He had us do a few more exercises rather had some of us extremely tired, some of us being Jackson, Chase, and their friends who usually get away with not doing anything.

"Ok you four are defense right?" They nodded "ok and you four are offense?" They nodded "and both groups already know what to do?" They nodded "ok get the rest of your groups and show me." We had improved since last time, but not by very much "ok come here. All of you." We all jogged over "I want you and you to switch." I raised a brow at him "why do you want them to switch?" He just waved me off and we tried again, but this time we did surprisingly good, so when he called us back over and told two others to switch then walked out farther into the field with us while we did tried again. He only switched those four and we ended up playing alot better than before, so be had us work on other things we were bad at while still doing the plays, this included tackling, which we got better at "why are you having us work on this stuff again?" He chuckled "I'm not going to lie to you guys. Most of you suck. Really bad which is why I'm having you work on these things because then it gives you a better chance to win unlike before." I chuckled at what he told Jackson "you mean like Raph, Jess, Carter and the other teammates that aren't me and my friends right?" Charlie rolled his eyes "no I'm meaning all of you need to work on something. Including Raph. Don't know what he needs to work on yet, but he has to work on something." I smirked at Jackson who scoffed and rolled his eyes then mumbled "yeah right this entire team would suck without me amd my friends." Thinking he got away with it he turned around and slyly fist bumped his friends while smiling "if you think your so tough me and you right now lets go. Leave your helmet off." He turned aroind surprised, but thought to highly of himself and took the challenge.

First off was a hundred meter dash just so Charlie could warm up then push ups and finally he had to try and get Charlie on the ground anyway possible he just couldn't cheap shot him.

Charlie won the hundred meter dash by a few seconds then won the push ups by ten and lastly we watched as Jackson tried his hardest to get Charlie on the ground, but nothing seemed to be working which frustrated Jackson alot, so Charlie called Chase over and nothing he did worked either, then they tried at the same time and Charlie didn't move, so he called Y/n over just for fun to see if she could do it with just one leg.

"What do you want? I'm doing other stuff right now." He smiled at her "I want you to show these boys how easy it is to get me on the ground." Jackson scoffed "you'll only go down because shes your sister. She has one leg so I doubt she can do anything to you." I went to back hand him, but Y/n hooked my hand with one of her crutches "dont even think about it. You'll probably break his nose." I sighed and shook my head "ok Y/n how do you take someone down if they are bigger and stronger than you." She raised a brow at him "thats easy. You find their weak spot and hit them hard right there and if that doesn't work you go for the legs." Jackson and Chase face palmed "ok show me." She shook her head "no because Mr. I'm too good for everyone will think your doing it just because im your little sister." He sighed "ok then Raph come here." I walked over to him "Y/n tell him my weak spot." She pointed at the dead center of his stomach "right there. You don't have to hit him real hard, but he'll go down." I nodded "wait I thought you just said to hit him hard?" Her eyes got big "have you never been slapped, shouldered, punched, kicked, or tackled by him?" Junior shook his head "no I haven't." She nodded "well until you do then you won't understand why I said for him not to hit him too hard." She moved away from us and I took a step back before making sure my shoulder hit his gut with a little force which dropped him to his back as he gasped for air "god damn."

It took him a second to get his air back, but once he did he was on his feet again "ok Jackson come here. You try it." He did and it made Charlie stumble back, but he didn't fall or knock the air out of him "see its not that hard once you figure it out. It takes a second, but you'll get it." He slapped him in the shoulder "practice is done for today everyone go home." We all headed for the locker rooms as he helped Y/n pack her stuff up from the bench. When I came out of the locker room Y/n was waiting for me by the door, so I helped her up as we headed for the parking lot where her brother waited for us, so we didn't have to walk back like we did last few times.

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