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POV change

You seemed to heal alot faster than a normal person, so when you woke up two days after your procedure and your mouth was completely healed you went to Donnie.

"You might still have some mutagen in your system and thats why you healed so fast. I can run a few tests to see, but it's up to you." You nodded "might as well." The tests he ran were quick, so yoh didn't have to wait long "you definitely have some mutagen in your blood still. Thats why you healed so fast." You nodded "of course." He looked at you a little hurt "sorry that sounded awful. I didn't mean it like that. I loved being a mutant." He only looked away to a project he was working on "no I understand. Genie did the same thing to me the other day." You chuckled "of course she did. That poor girl doesn't always realize what she's saying, but you gotta love her." He smiled "yeah you do. You better get outta here before Raph realizes you disappeared." You smiled "see ya later Don." You walked out and suddenly felt nauseous and light headed, but didnt think anything of it as you made your way towards the couch and as you went to sit down Raph walked out of his room rubbing one of his eyes while yawning "hey Y/n." When you didn't answer he looked at you concerned and noticed your pale face as well as your blank stare.

"Y/n?" You started to sway back and forth a little, so he started towards you "Y/n?" He said it a little louder this time as you started to sway so bad your feet moved a little, so he jogged the rest of the way to you and just as he went to touch you your legs gave out, but he caught you before you hit the ground and your weight dropped so suddenly into his arms he almost dropped you. He sat there a few seconds with you before you came to again and looked at him confused "why are you holding onto me?" He let his breath go "you just collapsed." You went to get up, but he wouldn't let you and instead lifted you up before sitting you on the couch "what do you mean I just collapsed?" He shrugged and failed his arms a little "exactly what I said. You collapsed. You were pale and had a blank expression then started to sway back and forth and just as your legs gave out I caught you. There's nothing else to it." You furrowed your brows as he went to get Donnie "wait what happened?" Raph explained it again with anger in his voice, but Donnie wasn't sure what it was or what caused it, so he asked a few questions "do you hurt anywhere?" You sjook your head "do you remember falling or anything before that?" You shook your head again "the last thing I remember is stopping infront of the couch." He sighed "I dont know what that was then. Maybe you should go to a doctor, so they can tell you what happened." You went to agree then remembered what your doctor had told your mom ten years ago.


"What happened?" He sighed "they're called absent seizures. It's where the two front lobes of the brain decide they need a break and they shut down. It can happen at any time and anywhere. It can be caused from stress or they simply decide to shut down. They won't always seize when they have them, but they can." She nodded and he continued to tell her how to help it and what you needed to drink to help keep them from happening.


Donnie waved his hand infront of your face "Y/n you ok?" You nodded then sighed "yeah I'm fine. I've had episodes like this in the past, but its been over two years since I've had one." You sighed again "what happened was an absent seizure." Donnie raised his brows "how do you know thats what happened?" You sighed again "because right before you have one you'll feel light headed and nauseous then you'll black out pretty much and won't remember anything from it." He scratched his head and Raph of course was worried "what causes them?" You yawned then explained everything to them "so in short its usually from stress." Donnie only nodded then disappeared and Raph? Well he stayed there and had a guilty look on his face.

"Are you stressed because of me?" You shook your head "no. If I'm stressed from anything its school and work." He sighed "but I've been kind of a pain lately." You giggled "at least you'll own up to it." He smiled "yeah, but don't tell Leo." You smiled then started playing with his mask tails and he laid his head on your lap (he's kneelingon the found infrontof you) "even if it was you I wouldn't admit it." He looked up at you "so are you saying it is me?" You shook your head "no I'm not. I'm saying IF it was I wouldn't tell you because I know it'd hurt your ice cold heart." He chuckled "me? Have a heart? Your funny." You bit your lip to hold back your smile "you can't play the tough guy game with me. I know better." He only scoffed "ok if you say so." You smiled "I do say so whether you like it or not." You leaned down and kissed his cheek "even if I feel weak at the moment." A light blush dusted his cheeks then he lifted his head and looked at you "so you can't fight back?" You gave him the 'really?' Look and he only smirked "I'm kidding. Don't get your panties in a bunch." You smirked "who says I have any on?" His eyes got wide "you're lying." You shrugged "maybe." He cocked his head and frowned "don't start something you can finish." You rolled your eyes "I love teasing you." He shook his head "just remember. I can get you back." He got up and headed to the kitchen allowing you to smile and flip him off.

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