Part 14 - Therapy sessions

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Okay so, something happened to the first part 14. All I know is that the ending was deleted and there was alot to the story that did not get posted. I am not sure why. But here it is, I hope you like it. Have a great day/night. :)

Meredith stood there, her face showing no expression. She didn't want to do this. Doctor Wyatt looked at her with a bright smile on her face with her hand resting on the door. She was calm and welcoming. Derek and Mark calmly stood behind them, there hands on there sides, waiting for some one to speak. They were only silent for a few seconds before words were spoken from someone's mouth.

"Well, come on in," Wyatt spoke softly welcoming the two girls into the room. Derek and Mark had to stay behind, doctor Wyatt wanted to talk to the girls alone.

They both walked into the dimmed room with fairy lights hung around the ceiling of the room. There was also red couch and a light lounge chair sitting about seven feet away from it. The room also had an assortment of books and random objects on shelves around the room. The room looked different, the only thing that looked the same was the color of the walls and the fish tank. The fish tank that Meredith used to sit on the couch and watch as the fish swam around in a repetitive motion.

Meredith and Lexie sat side by side on the couch while doctor Wyatt sat in the chair in front of them. She grabbed a pad of paper from the small table text to her and crossed her legs. Looking at the two women in front of her.

"Let's start off small, Okay?" She said, she glanced between the two. They both nodded, Meredith wondered what she meant by slow. "How are you both doing?"

"I-I don't know," Lexie stammered, she bounced her leg. Nervousness written all over her face. She knew they were going to talk about the kidnaping and it scared her. She hasn't even thought about it until now. Reality had enveloped her.

"You don't know?" She asked her, her head was tilted to the left and her eyebrows scrunched together with worry.

"I-I. Yes." She sighed, beginning to fidget with her fingertips. Meredith watched as Lexie nervously bounced her leg and fidgeted around. Concern was written on Meredith's face, she put her hand on her shoulder in attempt to comfort her. But Lexie just brushed her hand of her shoulder. Making Meredith sigh, looking down at the floor.

"Why?" The doctor asked

"I-I-I can't." She stammered, as tears started to form in her eyes. Meredith felt bad she couldn't help but think this was her fault her sister was this way. Lexie continued to shake and fumble with her fingers, Meredith tried to help her. But she was only pushed away again.

"Okay, it's okay doctor Grey. You don't have to know." She spoke softly, Lexie stopped and looked up at her her eyes filling with tears. It made Meredith's eyes well up with tears. It hurt her to see Lexie like that. "Meredith, how about you?"

"Huh?" She asked, so dazed in her thoughts she had to remember what she was being asked. "Oh, yea. I'm fine."

"Fine?" Wyatt spoke, taking her pen and pointing it at her. She read Meredith like a book. "I know you well enough to know that when you say that, it's not true."

"Well it is true." Meredith spoke defensively.

"Then tell me what brings you here?" She asked and began to pick up a large hard cover folder and began to flip through it. "Because, from what I heard you have been through a lot since I last saw you."


"You got married, you're friend died, you're husband got shot and you miscarried," Wyatt said as she flipped through the pages "Do you want me to continue?" She asked, still reading Meredith's chart.

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