Part 3 - Child of darkness

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Loud footsteps were heard over their heads, waking both of them up with a jolt. The footsteps got closer and closer making the two girls get worried when they heard the door of the basement open. And the footsteps started to walk down the stairs, followed by another set of footsteps. Their breaths hitched when they saw a tall man wearing all black clothing appear at the bottom of the stairs, followed by a little girl with pink bows in her hair and a long pink dress. The man gently grabbed the little girl's hand and knelt down at her level.

"These two girls are going to be the ones who save your mommy," He said as a smile grew on his face, he pointed at both Meredith and Lexie. Meredith looked at Lexie with a worried look on her face, while Lexie continued to stare at the man in front of them.

"How do you even know that we have the capability of saving her mother, for all you know we could be homeless people who were dumpster diving," Lexie told him, her eyes traveling between him and the little girl.

"I know that you both are surgical residents and your names are Meredith and Lexie Grey." the man told them, his smile was still shown on his face. "Your husband is Derek Shepherd am I wrong?" He asked, pointing his finger at Meredith.

"Yes," She muttered looking at the floor. She missed him so much, it was hard to hear his name without wanting to break down and cry. 

The little girl looked at the two girls in front of her with a look of curiosity on her face. She looked between Lexie and Meredith, her eyes wide and puffy. She looked happy but she looked sad at the same time. She was an eleven year old girl who just wanted her mom back.

"W-why are they in chains Jack?" The little girl asked.

"Because they wouldn't have come if I asked." He told her as he looked her in her eyes. "We need them to help your mother."

"Ho-how do you know if they wouldn't have helped you?"

"Because Aninie, Meredith's husband over here already said no to us already."

"They are no help to us if they are chained up!" Annie pouted, pointing her finger at the two very silent girls in front of them.

"Look, we would be-" Meredith spoke, but was interrupted. 

"Hush, let me talk to my niece." Jack growled.

"See, she's trying to help." Annie whined.

"Why don't you go to your room." He told her placing both hands on his hips.

"You're not my dad you can't-"

"But I am your uncle and I have to take care of you because your dad is away fighting for our country and your mom has cancer." Jack told her, his voice was calm and collected.

Annie sighed, looking between Lexie and Meredith before looking at her uncle and leaving to go run up the stairs. When he heard the door slam shut he turned to face them, his hands now in his pockets. He sighed, running his hand through his short blond hair. He looked at the two girls, his face now neutral.

"Look, my sister is sick." He sighed looking between the two girls in front of him. "The only way i'm going to let you two go is if you save her," He told them, his arms were now firmly crossed over his chest.

"We are only residents, we can't do the work of an attending." Meredith spoke softly, trying her best to stay calm.

"Oh I believe you can!" Jack told her, stepping toward her with a mischievous grin spread across his lips. "I know your husband,"

"Yea, and?" she asked, her eyebrows smashed together in confusion.

"He let my wife die, but you." He paused, whispering the last two words "You were the one who seemed to not want to give up on her," He was now kneeled down at her level, looking her in the eye.

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