Part 5 - Boston Police

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was now night time and everyone was getting even more restless as Jaxson continued to try and find this "Detective" friend of his. They all watched, heads placed in their palms and their eyes following him as he paced the room. His fingers typing fast and his eyes lighting up as his phone began to vibrate. He laughed as he pointed at his phone and looked at all of the tired faces sitting in front of him. 

"I found her!" he shouted in excitement  "Why don't we all get some sleep, come back in the morning and we can all call her." 

"That's it?" Cristina asked 

"It is almost twelve," Derek mumbled, almost falling asleep on his part of the couch. 

"Look," Jaxson sighed "We are all tired. This isn't giving up." He told her 

"No one's going to leave anyway, we are all staying the night here," Alex added 

"Guy's," Cristina sighed looking at all the tired men in front of her. Since April left a while ago it was just her and the three men. "We need to find them!" 

"I know and we are doing everything we possibly can right know." Jaxson spoke   


Lexie had lost track of time or what she'd thought she was keeping track of. She thought they were there for at least ten days now. But she could have been wrong, they could have been there for weeks or a week and they would never know. Hell, Jack could have been lying about the whole entire situation. What if he didn't actually have a sister? What if he wasn't the one who took them? What if it was someone else, and that person took them to wherever they are at? She had so many questions that needed to be answered.

She looked over at Meredith, who looked just as hopeless as she did. She hadn't woken up yet, her head was covered by her arms and her knees were curled up tightly to her chest. All Lexie could do was look out the window, watching as the sun began to come up through the trees. She let out a soft sigh, letting her mind drift as she saw birds flying around and other innocent creatures crawling around in the trees. A soft noise caused her to jump, her eyes looked around to see Meredith had woken up, her eyes bloodshot red and her body as stiff as a board. She watched Meredith as she slowly looked around the room. She looked terrified, like she just had a bad dream.

"Are you okay?" Lexie asked worried

"I-I think so, It was just a bad dream," She stammered, continuing to look around the room. She exhaled and looked over at Lexie. "It felt so real."

"Look, we will get through this." Lexie said as she scooted closer to her. Her legs sitting criss cross. She grabbed her hand, hesitantly. Not knowing what her reaction would be.

"Maybe." She mumbled, tears pooling in her eyes as she looked Lexie in the eyes.

"No," She spoke, gently shaking her arm. "We will get through this. Understand?" She added, trying to hold back her tears. She wanted to be strong, Meredith is always strong for her and others. Why not this time she is strong?

All Meredith could do was nod, trying to force a small smile for her younger sister. She too was trying to hold in her tears. All she could think about was Derek, Zola and the others. She didn't know what was going on, on the outside. Was Derek really not looking for them? Kept running through her mind.

"You're right," Meredith sighed, she gently squeezed Lexie's hand. It didn't help the fact that she just wanted to break down and cry. Something was telling her that it would be a long time before anyone would find them.

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