Part 29 - Just a dream

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Hi, All my stories are continuing, I promise. It just takes a while to write them because there is so much going on in my life. Anyway, I hope you all like this next chapter. And thank you all for reading my stories, I appreciate it. :)

Meredith woke up in complete darkness, a cold sensation on her back and an odd smell in the air. It wasn't a nice smell and it was not the smell of antiseptic and fresh sheets, along with the slight smell of perfume or BO. Meredith let her eyes adjust to the darkroom and continued to look around. The place looked familiar, sending shivers down her spine. She knew exactly where she was. In the corner she could see a shadowy figure, she could barely see who the person was. But she had a gut feeling it was Lexie. 

Meredith sat there as the pain grew in her stomach and the rest of her body. She winced in pain as she tried to get up. To her surprise, she wasn't chained to the floor. This was her chance, she thought. But she couldn't get up, she was in too much pain. She looked over at the shadowy figure in the corner, trying to crawl over as pain surged through her body. 

"Lexie?"  Meredith mumbled, trying to keep her voice from cracking. "Damn it," she cursed underneath her breath. She couldn't move anymore, it was too much. But she wasn't going to give up yet. 

"Lexie?" She spoke again, this time causing the figure to jolt. The feminine figure slowly turned to face Meredith, her body barely recognizable "Oh Lexie, what did he do to you," Meredith mumbled, tears bringing to fall from her eyes. 

"It's what did you do to me!" Lexie growled, her voice sounding scratchy and mangled. It didn't even sound like her. 

"Lex, I-I didn't mean to" 

"Go away, you're such a disappointment."  

"A what?" Meredith muttered, astonished that her sister would even say that to her. The only people who have ever said she was a disappointment were her parents "Lexie that's not true," She mumbled, somehow gaining the power to pull herself off the ground and lean against the wall. Tears fell from her eyes. She wanted to cry, but she was in so much pain she just couldn't. 

"You heard me," Lexie muttered, getting up from her spot. She wasn't chained to the floor either. Somehow with all of her injuries, she was able to get up and walk to the other side of the room.

"Wait-Stop, You're going to injure yourself even more." Meredith sighed, gaining the willpower to stand up.  

"Leave me alone, you got us into this mess. I hate you!" 

"Lexie, this isn't you," Meredith muttered 

"Buz off." She muttered, shoving Meredith away. It was a light shove, but somehow it knocked her to the ground, her head hitting the wall. 

Meredith winced as pain shot through her body again. A soft mumble escaped her lips as she covered her face with her hands and knees. Lexie just exhaled and sat on the floor once again in the corner. Meredith didn't know what was going on, everything just felt so real. She thought it was real. 

Footsteps were heard. loud ones, coming down the stairs. A loud grunt was heard as the figure coming down the stairs appeared. Jack. There he stood, he looked the same. Sad and disheveled. Meredith sighed, watching as the angered man walked into the middle of the room and stared at the two. 

"What did I say?" Jack grumbled "No talking!" He yelled, causing Meredith to flinch. Lexie didn't even move, why? Has she become dull and emotionless? 

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