Part 8 - So close

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Jane didn't have the power to stop her colleagues from raiding the house but she was able to take over the raid. Making it so the two suspicious men were not in the raid, instead, they stayed at the police department talking to the head police officer. Jane had a good team put together that had Korsak, Berry, and other police officers that were willing to help.

They did not indicate that the raid was the right way to do it. Based on all of the information they had proved that it had to be the right way. Besides, Jane and her team had a good plan. Someone was going to walk up to the man's house and calmly talk to him. If he sounded like the man from the voice recording that Jackson sent Jane. They would go in and raid the house.

They were ready, their cars were parked just blocks from Jack's house. They weren't the basic police cars, they were just the average car you'd see driving around town. Everyone was in place, waiting to be told what to do. Jane was the person to walk up to the door, calmly she rang the doorbell. Fixing her shirt as she waited for the door to open. Nothing happened, she waited for a minute longer then knocked on the door. Only for the door to open with a loud thud.

Quietly, she looked around the empty living room and went into the next room. The house looked abandoned, but not for too long. It looked like whoever was there left hours ago. Leaving their things scattered across the rooms. She slowly pulled out her gun from her canister and lowered it to the ground. She looked in each room of the house, stopping at the basement door. She had an eerie feeling about what could be behind the door.


Jack ran around the house gathering everything he could get. After getting the call about his house being raided he was worried. Worried that he would get caught red-handed. Annie too was running around the house, getting everything she wanted. She followed everything he told her and listened to every lie. So when Jack told her to start packing she did.

Jack had one more thing to do and it was to figure out how to get both Meredith and Lexie up the stairs and into his van. He had only one option and it was to scare them, scare them so badly that they couldn't run. Jack had a look of mischief displayed across his face as he walked down the steps and he had his gun in his hands.

Turning on the lights he watched as both girls woke up with a jolt, their eyes wide and curious. In an angered manner he took the ropes that tied them and untied them from the floor. And he began to lead them up the stairs.

"The police are coming, you two need to come with me," Jack grumbled underneath his breath. He tugged them a little bit, trying to coax them up the stairs. The two were silent, not daring to say a word, all they could do was listen.


Jane turned the door handle, opening the door to a dark room. The room smelled like must and sweat. Slowly she walked down the stairs, using her flashlight from her belt to guide her down the steep stairway. Jane's flashlight moved around the room, she found nothing except for what looked like a place where people may have been living in the basement. But they were forced to stay down there, by ropes and chains.

"I found something," Jane spoke on her walkie talkie

"We did too," Korsak responded, "I found Lexie and Meredith's hospital badges."

"So they were here!" Jane spoke in excitement, knowing she was right made her slightly happier. "Korsak you need to come down here and see what I found."

"Copy that."

After their little talk, she began to look around the room looking for anything else. She found remanence of food and blood in spots across the room. Just as she continued to look around the room the lights switched on and Korsak was walking down the stairs.

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