Part 9 - Despair

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The sounds of clanking and footsteps had woken her up. And voices were heard, three. Not two this time and the voices were familiar. They were voices of the people she loved, people who would keep her safe. She wasn't dreaming about being saved, it was all real.

Meredith slowly opened her eyes, it was hard being that she was asleep for so long. Her body ached from head to toe, she couldn't remember what had happened after she was knocked out. All she remembered was waking up minutes before Jane had come to the rescue. 

Meredith was still half awake, but she could see where she was and who was in the room with her. They were all sitting in chairs at the ends of the hospital beds, their bodies tirelessly slumped against the chairs. They had no clue she was awake and watching them. Meredith was able to listen, their whispers loud enough for her to register their words.

"Do we call him? I mean, he'll get to see her when she gets back to Seattle," Cristina spoke, her hands making gestures as she talked.

"The dude left and went back to Seattle, no we're not going to call him," Alex sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. He was angry that Derek had yet again hurt Meredith.

"I mean it is her husband," Jackson muttered under his breath.

"Yes, but she needs us and Lexie right now. Not him." Alex shot back, he glanced over at Meredith. His eyes went soft as he saw her green eyes on him, bright and wide-eyed. "At least we don't have to tell her that he isn't here." He sighed, looking over at Meredith.

"Mer, you're awake," Cristiana spoke, her tone low and filled with excitement. She scooted her chair next to her bedside and grabbed her hand, gently. "H-how are you feeling?"

"I-I um," She sighed, trying to speak. Her voice was groggy and hoarse. "I'm in pain, but I am glad that I-I am safe."

"Good, good," Cristina told her, a smile was plastered on her face. A reassuring one.

"D-don't call Derek," She told her and swallowed before speaking again. "Alex is right."

"Here," Alex spoke, handing her a cup of water with a straw. His voice was calm and sweet to her. Alex was always a good friend. Alex sat on the other side of her bed, just them all being there comforted Meredith.

"You are being transferred to Seattle in a few hours, so you'll get to see him there," Cristina told her, she looked at Meredith with worried eyes. Meredith loves Derek why wouldn't want to see him? Meredith always talked about him and annoyed Cristina but over obsessing about him.

"I-I want some space from him, I don't want to see him."

"Okay. We won't let him." Cristina reassured her."


Derek had spent the night in an on-call room, Mark had stayed with him as well. Sleeping on the top bunk. That's what friends do for each other, right? They comfort one another. Derek and Mark had stayed up all night talking about Meredith and Lexie. At some point in the night, Mark broke down, terrified for Lexie. The love of his life. He was worried, but he was trying to stay strong for Derek. Knowing that Derek was an emotional wreck. After hours of talking, they fell asleep, only to be awakened by pagers going off. Only a few hours later.

"Shit," Mark groaned as he grabbed his phone looking at the time. "It's nine am in the morning. Got any surgeries, Derek?

"Not yet," Derek muttered, getting up and looking at his pager. "But the chief is paging me. I gotta go." he sighed, getting up from the bed. He was in his scrubs, he had gone to the locker rooms of the hospital to change into his scrubs before crashing in the on-call room.  

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