Part 30 - A faze

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Meredith woke up in her room, Derek snuggled against her and fast asleep. She looked out the window seeing the night sky through the curtains. The stars sparkling and the moonlight cascaded into the room. Somehow they'd fallen asleep, but how? If there is a potential shooting at the hospital they worked at, why would they be able to sleep? She jolted up at the realization, waking up Derek as well.

"It's okay, you're safe," Derek mumbled, wrapping both of his arms around her and pulling her close to him.

"No, Derek not that. What about the hospital?" Meredith stammered, worried about her friends and family.

"It was a false alarm, it's okay," Derek muttered, gently pulling her onto his chest "We're safe, everyone is safe." He mumbled half asleep.

Meredith sat there for a few minutes registering what was happening. Nothing happened, she was safe in Derek's arms. But she was still scared, still worried that something could happen. Everyone thought she was scared and traumatized because of the tumor. It wasn't true.

"Derek, let go. I-I can't do this I'm sorry," Meredith stammered, pushing Derek away "I'm scared."

"Okay," Derek spoke, his voice filled with worry. He woke up with a jolt, wide awake "You're safe Mer, you have nothing to w-."

"I know Derek, I know. I am just scared okay?" Meredith rambled, cutting in. She looked over at him, seeing his worried and sad facial expression.

"Okay," He mumbled "Is it something that I did or maybe something I can fix?" He asked, sitting up. All of his focus on Meredith.

"No, I-I am just," Meredith paused knowing that what she was going to say would break both of their hearts "I'm scared of you right now." She added, feeling as her heart sank into the bottom of her stomach. She felt terrible telling him that, but it was the truth.

"Oh, alright," Derek nodded, he was hurt but he completely understood. He wanted to be respectful of her "I'll go sleep on the couch, but if you need anything you can-well, you can wake up one of your roommates. But I am still here for you." Derek rambled, worried. He grabbed one of the pillows and began to make way for the couch. Meredith couldn't speak, she just watched as he left the room "I love you Meredith," He told her before closing the door.

Meredith still couldn't speak. She didn't want to. All she could do at that moment was curl up in a ball and go back to sleep, letting her mind wander as she looked up at the ceiling. It hurt her that she was scared of Derek still, but she didn't feel histericly scared. Like she wanted to scream and yell and fight him. She was confused and she was tired. Slowly, sleep found her and she was able to get the rest she needed.

She woke up to a soft knock at the door and a face peering into the room. It was Cristina. Her eyes scanned the room before she walked in, her worried eyes landed on Meredith as soon as she walked in. Meredith saw the sun shining into the room and instantly knew she slept a while. She watched as Cristina sat on her side of the bed and placed her hand on hers.

"Mer," Crstina sighed "What's going on?" She asked, obviously concerned.

"What do you mean?" Meredith asked, frowning at her best friend. She was confused. Was it because of Derek? Because of Meredith's mental health?

"You kicked Derek out in the middle of the night, he says you're scared of him." Cristina spoke, looking over at Meredith.

"I-I am, but I don't know why I am." Meredith stammered, her eyes welled up with tears. She felt bad, but what could she do? She was scared.

"Meredith, what's there to be afraid of?" She asked, being a true, concerned friend. The side of her not everyone get's to see "Derek is a great guy, he love's you so much. He even took you from the hospital as soon as he heard that there was a threat."

"I-I know that Cristina," She cried, putting her head in her hands. Cristina let out a soft sigh and began to comfort her person.

"This is probably just a faze Mer. Something that you're going through." Cristina spoke, watching as her friend continued to break down.

"Maybe," Meredith muttered, her voice cracking as she said it "where is Derek now?"

"He's downstairs making food."

"Is-is he okay?"

"Kinda," Cristina spoke, looking at her with worry in her eyes. She let out a soft exhale and looked out the window for a second "He's really worried about you."

"I know."

"Do you want to try and talk to him again?"

"Not yet," Meredith sighed, her voice sounding defeated. She was confused and sad all at once. Cristina slightly nodded and went over to the other side of the bed to lay next to her.

"Let's just lay here and talk then alright?" Cristina spoke glancing over at Meredith as tears fell from her eyes. Meredith slowly nodded and continued to look up at the ceiling. Silence had invaded the room.

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