˗ˋ 10

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! chapter ten ─── ʚĭɞ

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"We've just become friends." Miyeon explained, glancing over a slightly uncomfortable Jugyeong, before looking back at Mrs Hong. "I actually just started school again on Monday."

"And where did you go before? Please, sit down." Behind her mom, Jugyeong made a face similar to one that Miyeon often made - she was being so nice, why wasn't she always like this? - An expression that the Hwang mother had caused on more than one occasion.

"Actually I had been in New York City for almost a year. I was staying with my grandparents and attended a school over there named Dalton. I came back on Friday night." Miyeon explained, taking a seat, Jugyeong hesitantly sitting down.

"That must have been expensive." Mrs Hong said. "What do your parents do for a living?"

"Mom!" Jugyeong exclaimed, looking shocked, Mrs Hong waving away her daughter.

"My dad owns a pharmaceutical company, and my mother was quite big in the fashion industry but she's semi-retired." Miyeon recited dutifully.

"Are you planning on staying for dinner?" Mrs Hong asked, and Miyeon knew this was too much, about to deny the invitation when Jugyeong's phone rang.

She left the room for a moment, rushing upstairs to her own room. "That girl, leaving you here with us." Mrs Hong shook her head, and Miyeon glanced over at the boy lounging on the sofa, the same one she had seen Jugyeong talking to earlier.

"Do you have any siblings?" She was asked, Miyeon quickly shaking her head. "Jugyeong and Juyoung have an older sister - Heekyung. She works at Move Entertainment and doesn't get back until late." Mrs Hong shook her head, sounding upset.

"Move Entertainment?" Miyeon repeated, and Mrs Hong nodded, continuing talking and not seeming to realise the Hwang girl had frozen, her gaze unfocused.

She hadn't heard about it in a long time. And even when it just was mentioned, it still made goosebumps appear on her arm.

Jugyeong running downstairs broke the trance, and the three of them looked over at her. "Miyeon.. I'm really sorry but I need to go meet up with someone.. From my old school." She added on the end.

"Oh that's fine!" Miyeon said, standing up. "I should probably go anyways, Eunjoo mentioned my mother might be back any day soon."

She walked over to Jugyeong, who smiled weakly, walking her over to the door. "I'm sorry about my mom." She said, as Miyeon put her shoes on, stepping outside of the door and walking to the gates.

"Don't worry about it. We'll talk about the helmet situation tomorrow?" Miyeon suggested, Jugyeong nodding. "Have fun with who you're meeting up with!"

And with a smile, Miyeon walked away from the house, waving back at Jugyeong, who closed the gate and scrambled back inside.

Her mother wasn't supposed to be back until the next day, and Miyeon had lied so not to make Jugyeong feel bad. And still, she had no desire to head back to the cold empty house, and so she trudged around.

Coming across the park that Jugyeong must have meant, she sat there for a little while, kicking her feet along the ground as she watched a couple of kids playing on the playground. It was so simple for them.

But she got bored easily, and ended up heading towards the area more populated by shops, hoping to find somewhere interesting to have a look in.

And as she was rounding the corner, a roar of a motorbike could be heard and she only just jumped out of the way in time, whoever was on the motorbike swerved round into an alley, turning off the engine. Miyeon stood out of the way as a set of motorbikes passed her, before turning around to see who it was.

She didn't know why she had expected to see anyone else but Seojun, and they both let out sighs as they saw each other. "Are you trying to kill yourself?" Miyeon asked quietly. "I know Jugyeong has your helmet."

"You two have become close rather quickly." Seojun mused, flicking a strand of hair out of his eyes. "I didn't think you would be so worried about me. Or ask."

"Those things are deathtraps, I've always told you that." Miyeon folded her arms over her stomach. "Why do you always get yourself in trouble?" She asked, looking in the direction the other motorbikes went.

"I didn't go looking for it. Why do you care? And why are you even around here - don't you have your parents to get back to? The ones who so desperately wanted you back?" He replied, and Miyeon scoffed.

"They wanted me back to control me. I've seen my dad once, and I've not seen my mom since coming back. Excuse me for not wanting to go back to an empty house." Miyeon said, rolling her eyes and walking away.

Seojun was about to let her go without saying anything else, when the last sentence seemed to settle in and he stepped out of the alleyway, pulling her back with her backpack once again.

"Are you thinking like that again?" He asked, turning her around. "I thought you didn't anymore - you hadn't for ages before you left."

"Han Seojun, why do you care?" Miyeon repeated his question back to him, before shrugging off his hands and walking away.

"Han Seojun, why do you care?" Miyeon repeated his question back to him, before shrugging off his hands and walking away

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