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 ! chapter thirty-one ─── ʚĭɞ

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! chapter thirty-one ─── ʚĭɞ

╰                                                               ╯

They had science that day, and Miyeon had watched with a smile as Suho produced the strawberry drink that Jugyeong had mentioned she liked

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They had science that day, and Miyeon had watched with a smile as Suho produced the strawberry drink that Jugyeong had mentioned she liked.

Another lesson followed that and then it was lunch, and Miyeon looked up from where was sat with Soojin to see Sooa being pushed out of the way by Seojun, who settled in the seat across from her.

"Han Seojun, get lost if you're here to annoy Jugyeong." Soojin quickly said, as Sooa and Taehoon moved to sit next to her and Miyeon.

"I'm only going to listen to Jugyeong." Seojun replied, and instantly, behind him appeared his friends, repeating the phrase twice, rather loudly.

"Then do me a favour, will you?" Jugyeong began, teeth clenched. Seojun reacted instantly, flicking hair out of his eyes and sitting up.

"Whatever you need." He said, a look of the utmost seriousness sat on his features.

"Get lost." Jugyeong said, Miyeon smiled, meeting Sooa's eyes and trying not to laugh.

"What?" Seojun asked, and you could practically see the cogs turning in his brain to try and figure out his reply to it. "I'll do everything else but that." He finally said. And once again, his group of friends repeated that he would only listen to Jugyeong.

"Then don't talk to me." The Im girl continued, the look of annoyance glaringly obvious.

"I can't do that either."

"Are you kidding me?" Jugyeong exclaimed, deciding to just ignore him, picking up her chopsticks and beginning to eat her meal.

"Ah, you must not like this." Seojun said, picking up a bit of food from the other side of her tray, Jugyeong having only been eating something on the opposite side. He bit into eat, Jugyeong looking horrified.

"That's my favourite side dish." She said, staring at the piece that Seojun had just taken a bite of. "I was saving it for last!"

"Why!" Seojun asked, his mouth still half full.

"That's just how I eat. It's none of your business." The Im girl continued. Across from her, Soojin, Miyeon, Sooa and Taehoon were watching the scene play out, completely confused on what was happening and why Seojun was doing this.

"Okay." Seojun nodded, putting down the piece he stole. "I should listen to you. Boys, bring her tonkatsu." He clapped, and Chorong appeared, two other boys holding two trays full of it.

"You want me to eat all of this?" Jugyeong asked, the three boys from Seojun's group nodding.

"I don't know if he's flirting with her or pranking her." Sooa sighed, glancing at Soojin and Miyeon.

"Eat up so you can grow tall." Seojun said, leaning against his elbow on the table as he watched. Jugyeong sighed, head drooping. "Hey, watch out." Seojun said, reaching over and pulling her hair from where it had fallen. "Don't eat your hair." He said, Jugyeong looked up at him with a glare.

Sooa slammed down her chopsticks, the entire table groaning and staring in disgust. Miyeon, who also loved tonkatsu, took the opportunity it lean over and take multiple pieces, quite enjoying the show in front of her.

"Will you look at that." Someone said, and the noise began attracting other's attention, Seojun pulling his hand away with a smirk, looking proud of himself.

Jugyeong pulled his keys out of his pocket, and Miyeon reached for more tonkatsu, only for Chorong to slap her hand away.

"You little-" She began to exclaim, before one of the boys holding the trays offered it to her. She took some with a smile, the boy nodding and looking away.

"Just take your keys" Jugyeong said. "Don't put it back in my pocket."

"What's use of giving me this?" The Han boy asked, holding up the keys by the loop of fabric attached to them. "My motorcycle is parked in front of your house." He teased, and Jugyeong promptly spat out the food in her mouth, onto his face.

Miyeon hid her laugh with another bite of tonkatsu, almost choking on it and just managing to swallow it, covering her mouth and turning to Sooa.

"Good job Jugyeong." Soojin said, Miyeon and Sooa too busy laughing to say anything.

"I'm so sorry." Jugyeong tried to say, but she was trying not to laugh herself.

A few moments later and Seojun was going to the bathroom to clean up. "Can I?" Miyeon asked, the remnants of her smile fading from her face as she looked over at the boys, still holding the trays of tonkatsu. "My mom will kill me.. but it's worth it." She smiled, and almost instantly one of the boys put the tray down.

And as Jugyeong disappeared off to the bathroom as well, Soojin, Sooa and Miyeon took a piece of tonkatsu each, far too happy with the outcome of Seojun's actions to do anything more.

And as Jugyeong disappeared off to the bathroom as well, Soojin, Sooa and Miyeon took a piece of tonkatsu each, far too happy with the outcome of Seojun's actions to do anything more

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