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 ! chapter twenty-nine ─── ʚĭɞ

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! chapter twenty-nine ─── ʚĭɞ

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The following morning seemed to come reluctantly, and Miyeon had found herself tossing and turning all night

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The following morning seemed to come reluctantly, and Miyeon had found herself tossing and turning all night. One memory had stuck in her head and she couldn't seem to let it go - it didn't at all help that she had the song that Seojun was singing playing on repeat either.

But finally, an acceptable hour for her to get up out of bed came, and as she dressed and headed downstairs, not planning on staying for breakfast until Eunjoo stopped her by the door.

"Your mother wants you to sit down with her for breakfast." She said quietly. "I've tried everything, but she's insistant on this one. Sorry Miyeon."

"It's okay, don't worry." Miyeon replied, putting her bag down by the door and stopping changing into her shoes, walking back through into the dining room, sitting down in the seat pulled out for her.

"My darling daughter." Yujin said, leaning across and trailing a finger across her daughter's jaw, curling her finger under her chin and jerking it upwards. "Pretty, like always. Except those eye bags."

Tutting and shaking her head, Yujin tapped her daughter on the cheek with her other hand, pushing a strand of hair behind her ears. "You must have gotten home late, where were you?" Yujin asked. "In fact, where were you the entire weekend, I don't remember being told of this."

"You didn't ask, mother." Miyeon replied, swallowing. Her words might be of a somewhat snarky fashion, but she didn't dare move Yujin's hand away from her. "I.. I didn't realise when you said that you brought me back to watch over me that you meant it literally."

"Of course I did, what use would it be if I didn't." Yujin scoffed. "You're not getting involved with that boy again are you?" Miyeon's parents had hated that she was trainee - they didn't seem to mind Suho, but they hated Seojun and Seyeon, especially when the scandal came out.

"Of course not. I was with my friend, Jugyeong. And last night, I was with Jugyeong, Soojin, Suho, Sooa and Taehoon at study group. Then we went to a karoke place for a little bit." Miyeon recited, the sudden fear that her mother seemed to instill in her taking away the attitude.

She could answer however she wanted when Yujin was drunk - she could only just manage two glasses of wine, and anything that happened whilst she was drinking would be forgotten easily. That wasn't the case for her sober. She was much more harsh, much more severe when she had a clear mind.

"Good girl. Now eat." The fake smile on Yujin's face dropped, as did her hand, and Miyeon let out the breath that she had been holding, fearing what her mother would have done next. "Eunjoo." Yujin said, holding up her arm and using her finger to gesture the woman over. "Serve Miyeon. Something of everything."

Miyeon frowned at how her mother treated Eunjoo, but couldn't say anything. She stared down at the spread of food beneath here. "I don't like them-" She began, pushing away Eunjoo's hand, jumping out of her skin as Yujin slammed a hand down on the table.

"You will eat it." Yujin said. "I want to put in place a curfew. You must be at home at nine pm latest. If you are going to be later, or going out after school, you need to tell someone where you're going. You will not be seeing that Seojun boy, you may see Suho. And don't act like you haven't been seeing Seojun, I heard that motorcycle last night."

"I'm eighteen Mother-" It was ridiculous, and Miyeon - despite her fear - couldn't just sit there and listen to it.

"You will listen to what I'm saying. Abide by these rules and I'll have no problem. Me and your father agreed on them. Now, eat up." With that condescending smile on her face, Yujin patted her daughter on her head.

Managing to get something down, Miyeon ended up leaving not long after, speeding away fron her house and getting on the bus, surprised to find Jugyeong not on it. It was a nice morning though, so she wouldn't be surprised if she walked.

The bus arrived at school, and Miyeon strolled along - she still had a little time before class. Looking up from her phone, she froze in steps.

Seojun was dropping something into Jugyeong's hands, and beside her, Suho also came to a stop. "Starting from today, I plan to listen to only you." Seojun said, bending down to look a confused Jugyeong in the eyes. It seemed he was taking her advice from last night - to actually listen to what Jugyeong was saying to him.

He turned away, and Miyeon hazarded a glance at Suho, who didn't look very happy. He moved forward, and Miyeon watched with wide eyes as he grabbed Jugyeong's wrist, pulling her around and stopping her from going after her.

A smile appeared on her face and she quickly hid it - she hadn't realised that Suho's feelings went further than friendship for Jugyeong. But she was glad that he did. He could use another friend, or a girlfriend for that matter.

But she couldn't - or shouldn't play cupid. She had enough on her mind to think about.

 She had enough on her mind to think about

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