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! chapter fifty-seven ─── ʚĭɞ

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! chapter fifty-seven ─── ʚĭɞ

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Suho woke the next morning to find his usually empty home full of life

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Suho woke the next morning to find his usually empty home full of life. It seemed to be because of Miyeon - of course it was - and just her presence would make it feel more alive. But there was more.

Before, on one of the rare occasions that it was his home where Miyeon would decide to stay, she had always felt rather bad for staying there, even if that just meant her sleeping on the sofa on a pair of Suho's clothes that he had found from his younger teenage years that were too small for him, but much better fitting for her than anything of his that he owned then.

It had started with little things, a box of food from Eunjoo, then presents of clothes and hats. And it seemed that this morning, Miyeon had settled with breakfast.

When Suho woke up, it was quite late in the morning, and in the time that he had been sleeping, Miyeon had woken up considerably early and made her way to the nearest food shop, returning to the house and managing to cook up a nice breakfast.

It was her way of saying thank you, in a way that didn't exactly involved the words. Because as it so happened, all three boys that she had stayed with had immediately replied to her thanks by denying it and saying it was no problem. And by getting gifts or cooking breakfast, Miyeon could indirectly show her gratitude.

Suho opened his mouth to say good morning, spotting the girl's head of dark hair on the sofa, but before he actually said anything, he could hear her speaking.

"So you're going before the game?" She asked, and Suho, who had just passed her on the way to the kitchen halted in his path.

Miyeon looked up at him, phone raised to her ear. "Hold on Jugyeong - Suho, there's breakfast over there, it should  still be warm." And with that, the girl trudged towards the front door, pulling it open and sitting down on the top step.

Cold biting at her shoulders, the girl once again rose the phone to her ear. "Sorry about that, but keep on going, you said you have a plan?" Miyeon continued.

"I'm going to go before the game and give him the ball back - I feel awful because he's been so nice to me.. but it's just not right." The Im girl was saying, in regards to what she would be doing about Ryu Hyungjin and his promise of asking her out after the game.

"I mean you could even wait to see if he'll lose - he said he's only going to ask you out if he wins." Miyeon replied. "But I don't think that will exactly stop him - he's rather taken with you."

"It's a shame, he's been really nice to me. But I have to give it back before he game - we should meet up at my house, you can come and watch it here?" She sounded hopeful, but Miyeon frowned.

"I don't know.. I just sort of feel like staying in bed. Things aren't great with my mom and I just don't think I can." She said, and although she was lying about her reasons, Miyeon was truly disappointed.

"It's okay if you cant - just my mom asked after you, she seems to quite like you and Suho." Jugyeong said, and Miyeon could hear the smile in her voice.

Hearings shuffling noise, Miyeon looked up to see Suho peering out of the door, holding up a plate and putting his thumbs up. The Hwang girl narrowed her eyes, knowing he was just there to try and listen to her conversation.

"Ah - Im Ju, I have to go. But good luck, okay?" Miyeon smiled, a rally of goodbyes occurring between the two girls before she finally hung up, standing up from the step and wrapping her arms around her torso, feeling the cold.
"You're really nosy, you know that?" She asked, Suho pushing the door closed behind her and fetching her a blanket.

"I just wanted to tell you the food was good." He blinked, looking rather innocent, but Miyeon knew better and shook her head. "I'm going to go watch the game at the stadium, are you coming?"

"No, if it's alright I'll stay here, I can watch it on TV. I just don't really feel like going anywhere." Miyeon shrugged. "I need to try figure out what I'm going to do."

Suho nodded, and they spent a short time together talking about everything, before Suho went to go and get changed and left for the game.

And later that day, curled up on the couch, Miyeon would watch the game, head tilting in confusion as the camera panned to the crowd while celebrating the win for Hyungjin's team, she saw Suho and Seojun hugging. And as it panned out, they seemed to realise what they were doing and promptly let go of each other.

The Hwang girl properly smiled for the first time that day, but she had a feeling that if Suho and Seojun were at the match together, then it wouldn't be long until the boy found out where she was.

And she'd just have to explain everything all over again.

And she'd just have to explain everything all over again

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