˗ˋ 16

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 ! chapter sixteen ─── ʚĭɞ

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! chapter sixteen ─── ʚĭɞ

╰                                                               ╯

The next day at lunch seemed to be a whole other situation in the midst of the obvious feud between Suho and Seojun

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The next day at lunch seemed to be a whole other situation in the midst of the obvious feud between Suho and Seojun.

Miyeon was sat in front of Soojin, glancing upwards when Suho came in, freezing in front of Jugyeong, who was just getting her food. "I hope he's not going to get her to do anything." Miyeon mumbled, Soojin following her gaze. "Poor girl was exhausted yesterday."

"She got hurt?" Sooa asked, as Jugyeong pointed down to a plaster on her knee. "If he's got her doing something dangerous-"

"She's smiling. It's fine." Miyeon patted her friend on the hand, moving out the seat for Jugyeong. "Im Ju!" She called, Sooa smiling when she saw her nickname for the girl be used for something else.

Jugyeong came and sat next to her, and the four girls began eating again, none of them mentioning anything about the Suho run-in that had just occurred. "You look happier, less tired." Miyeon commented, looking up at Jugyeong beside her, jumping when she heard a crash from near the food line.

Peering over, the Hwang girl's eyes widened as she saw Seojun walking away from Suho, who was stood frozen over his split tray. "Oh gosh." She murmured, the entire cafeteria frozen as Seojun walked towards where they were sat, before sitting next to Jugyeong.

"Excuse me.." Jugyeong glanced around, seeing all eyes in her. "Is it because of the helmet?" She asked.

"No, I want to eat with you." Seojun said, those watching in silence hearing every word and instantly reacting. Miyeon's jaw had dropped and she covered it with her hand, looking between Seojun and Jugyeong.

"Han Seojun!" The shout came from none other than Suho, and Miyeon gasped as the Lee boy approached, grabbing his blazer, Seojun getting up instantly - well, half being pulled up.

Suho shook him twice, both hands grabbing onto the material of his blazer. He was not at all happy, and Miyeon knew that Seojun was only going to enjoy this, and she peered around, seeing the slight smirk on Seojun's face confirming her thoughts.

"This bastard, really." Seojun sounded extremely cocky, and everyone stared with baited breath, waiting for some sort of reaction.

But Seojun wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of making the right move, and as soon as Miyeon saw him glance to the right, she knew. It was his tell - she had seen him get in and out of fights for years, and you just would know, if you saw him glance to the right, that he would be throwing the first punch.

And he did, pushing Suho's hands away from him and punching him, choruses of gasps as a Suho fell to the floor. He quickly stood up again, once more grabbing Seojun's blazer and raising his fist as if to punch him and stopped, arm in mid-air.

"Hit me." Seojun said, sounding far too calm for the situation. "I said hit me." He repeated, Suho threatening with it - and Miyeon couldn't even tell if he was being serious or not at this point.

"Hey!" Everyone looked up at the door, not so surprised to find a teacher stood there. "What are you guys doing over there?" He asked. "Are you not going to separate?" The teacher shouted, Suho pushing Seojun away. Of course, they were taking up to the office and Miyeon, being rather noisy but also concerned for the two boys, decided to follow them.

She didn't even know what she was doing really, but she found herself not very hungry anymore, and walking towards the office. If she was completely honest with herself, she, deep down, felt at fault for tearing the friends apart.

If she had just accepted when Seyeon was telling her - just said yes like Seojun said, then maybe everything would've been fine.

"...for someone who took a leave of absence from school because of his sick mother." Miyeon heard as she approached, freezing at the words. That was why Seojun had been off from school? His mother was sick? "How could she not get sick when her son goes around acting like this."

It was so harsh, and Miyeon gulped, covering her mouth with her hand to hide her shock. Knowing that was why he was off school just made her feel even worse, and only half listening to the conversation in the office, Miyeon began to form a plan.

It was then when the vice principal came in, shouting like he usually did. "We don't need to make a commotion to hold a disciplinary committee against school violence." He said, his attitude completely changing when he walked over to Seojun.

"Stop it!" He shouted at him, before returning to the tone he used for his top students, telling Suho that he should go back to class and relax, as he had an maths competition the next day.

That seemed to be the problem. Suho hadn't started it, but yet because he was star student, nobody believed it when he said it was him. And as the teacher began shouting at Seojun again, Miyeon suddenly felt really bad for Seojun.

Luckily he had Mr Han to stick up for him, and Miyeon walked slowly away from the office, making her way round the corridors until she found a bench, sitting down with a sigh.

When she was a trainee, if someone had told her that one day, Suho and Seojun would be fighting, neither her nor anyone else would've believed a word that came out of their mouth.

But because of what seemed Miyeon's actions, they were. And she was ready to take the fall for it. Even if it wasn't necessary.

 Even if it wasn't necessary

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