˗ˋ 20

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! chapter twenty ─── ʚĭɞ

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Following the text from Suho, Miyeon had just decided to risk it. She opened her balcony doors and was relieved to find the ladder still there.

After grabbing a bag, she had climbed down the ladder and began to text Suho, and they arranged a meeting place. Miyeon took the bus, getting off where she should and walking quite quickly to the place, spotting Suho sat on a bench, and moving to sit down on the opposite end.

"So you needed help." She began, Suho nodding. "Would you mind.. telling me what with?"

It was clearly awkward, they had barely spoken two words to each other since Miyeon's return, and the girl fiddled with her bracelet as she waited, noticing that Suho was staring at it and could probably recognise it, and she covered it with her sleeve.

"Im Jugyeong-" Suho started, Miyeon's head snapping towards him, not expecting this. "She has a blind date."

"So you've heard. Are you jealous? Thinking of more tasks you can set her so that she leaves it midway through, because if you do I'll... let you explain." Miyeon cut herself off. Suho wasn't as talkative as Seojun, and tended to just ignore her if she went off on one, whilst he would occasionally chip in with something. But Suho would just stay silent, and there really was no point with her continuing.

"I don't think it's a good idea." He said shortly.

"Neither do I. But I've already figured out something to help her. I suppose she'll have told you about that as well?" Miyeon asked, before turning towards him a little. "I'll be there, we'll ignore each other the whole time and if something goes wrong then I'm there to help. It's foolproof."

"She's going to tell you that she's doing that, I think." Suho replied. "I.. would like to be there."

"Jealous and overprotective." Miyeon mumbled under her breath, and Suho glared at her. "I thought you had a math contest-thingy."

"I do. But I'll be there. I'll go see the movie." He said. "So you need to be there to text me if something happens before I get there."

"Okay, calm down. First of all, I'm not being ordered around by you. Second, good idea I'll be there." Miyeon frowned, looking at her phone as it vibrated. "It's Jugyeong."

She shushed Suho, who made a face as he wasn't even saying anything as she got up, moving a little way away, facing the street rather than the Lee boy - she couldn't deal with him staring at her, it was too much pressure.

"Im Ju!" Miyeon answered, taking on a rather louse, overly-excited happy tone that had a couple people walking past staring at her. "Did he text you? Is everything going ok, he's not being creepy or anything?"

"No, no!" Jugyeong replied. "I just thought I would tell you that I think your idea is a good one, but only for the second part of the date. We're meeting at a cafe first, then the cinema."

"Okay, I'll be there - text me when you set off from the cinema." Miyeon replied. "And if he does anything weird before cancel it - older guys are weird."

"I'll take your advice." Jugyeong said, before hanging up. Miyeon smiled, slipping her phone back into her pocket and turning round to sit down. Only to find Seojun stood on the opposite side of the street, staring at her.

Her eyes flickered down to Suho subconsciously, and Seojun sighed, shaking his head before turning away, before hesitating, seemingly like he was considering something before continuing on in the opposite direction.

"And we're doing this as definitely not friends - why exactly was it me you asked to do this with? Can't you stalk her on your own?" Miyeon asked, sliding back into her seat, somewhat shaken up by Seojun's appearance but not saying anything to the other boy.

"Because you think blind dates are dangerous and I happen to agree either you." Suho said quickly. "And you have a good plan already. And if we look suspicious we just look like.."

"We don't have to look like a couple." Miyeon said quickly, and Suho choked on seemingly nothing, the girl having finished his sentence for him. "What are you wearing tomorrow so we don't match?"

"Probably um." Suho appeared to be uncharacteristically flustered, and Miyeon gave him a moment. "Just jeans and a shirt and a jacket."

"I won't wear anything like that. Bring a mask and a hat. You have a recognisable face." Miyeon nodded, taking charge of the situation. Mad let me just get this straight - you're tagging along with me because you don't like that jugyeong's going on a blind date and i just so happened to come up with a plan to make sure it went well?'

Suho nodded, and Miyeon stood up. "Okay, now everything is sorted then I'll be going.. have a nice evening." She said, still feeling awkward as she walked away, before pausing and turning back. "Seojun saw us, so if he makes any.. comments about.. anything.. that's why."

Miyeon practically ran off as Suho shot up, peering around the area they were in. And as he turned around to where Miyeon had watched the Han boy turn around, he saw him stood at the end of the street. Staring directly at him.

He didn't trust either of them, but it seemed that he didn't trust Suho that tiny bit more.

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