Part 3 ♥

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I talked to them for a while.

All of them are in the school basketballteam. They were the guys playing on the innter courtyard and watched me. That's why they knew about me.

On our way through the school, we met Zayn and Sara again.

Together we went to the cafeteria to have dinner.

The entire time, Harry didn't leave my side.

After dinner we stayed in the cafeteria and talked.

The others were as impressed as Harry when he told them about my life.

'Wow, so you're a traveler.', Liam said.

'Actually I am forced to, but yeah...I am.'

'And do you have a boyfriend?', Louis asked.

'Don't even think of it, Louis. Shes taken.', Sara said.

'Sara! I am not. Why do you say that?', I said shocked.

'Looks like it.' she said pointing at Harrys arm.

He had his arms on the back of my chair, right at my shoulders. I knew that it was there, but I liked it, so I didn't say anything.

After Sara said that, all of them were giggling and Harry immediately pulled his arm back. 

He actually seemed so cool, but that was really embarrasing.

'Anyways. Do you guys think, it is in any way possible to have friends or even dates when you're traveling around the world every few months?', I said.

'Maybe you're staying here longer.', Niall said.

'Why? Do you think you have some chances?', Liam joked.

'No, but then she'll defintely have some friends for longer.', Niall said.

It was so cute to hear that, that I knew, he is a true friend.

'My parents promised me, that I will stay here until I graduate. So one and a half years for me to stay.', I said happy.

'Time to leave.' Zayn said pointing at the door.

It was the educator of us students. He was quite strict they told me, so I decided to better not stick out negatively.

We all tidied up our tables and put the trays back into it's shelf. Then we went to their room. They actually had the biggest room in the entire school. It was for all five of them. 

They had two bunk beds, one standing on the left and on the right, and one single bed between them.

They had five desks and a sofa.

'Wow...This one is huge!', I said.

'Thanks. I hear that often.', Zayn joked.

Sara hit him on the shoulder and they climbed on top of Zayns bed. Niall joined them and sat down right between them to annoy them.

Louis sat down on the other one right in front of them. Harry reached his hand over to me to help me climb on it. But before I could, he grabbed my waist and just lifted me on top of the bed. In this very second before he lifted me, he stood very close to me, looked me in the eyes and smiled. He sat down next to me. 

Liam sat down on the middle bed. And after a while, Niall joined him.

'So why are you guys on this school?', I asked curiously.

'My parents are divorced and I didn't want to choose.', Louis said.

'Oh...I am sorry. I didn't want to get to private.', I said.

'It's okay. I mean, its not your fault, right.'

He joked about it, but I saw that it really got to him, so I carefully stroke his hand and he smiled at me.

He smiled at Harry to kind of approve me. Harry looked down and grinned.

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