Part 5 ♥

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In the morning, we got up and went to the girlsroom.

I got a shower to wake up.

With my bathrobe on and my hair in a towell, I went back to my room.

Whilst I checked my phone, I ran into somebody.

As I looked up, I got caught in those very pretty and beautiful green eyes. 

It was Harry.

His hair was wet, too, so I think I just cam out of the shower, aswell.

'Oh, I am sorry, I didn't...Ashley? Hi! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!'

'No, no, it was my fault. I just came out of the girlsroom. I didn't look up. I should've been more carefull.', I said.

'So...did you sleep well?', he asked cute.

'Yes, I did. The beds are really comfortable.'


'If you'd excuse me? I need to get ready. See you at breakfast?', I asked.

'Of course. See you later.'

OH MY GOD! I was in my bathrobe, without makeup and looked tired and then I met Harry? Shit!

When I got into my room, my face was far more red than a usual tomato.

Sara laughed and came over.

'Ashley? What happened to you?', she asked smiling.

'I met Harry! Oh god, it was so embarassing. Look at me. I chacked my phone and ran into him. Oh god.', I freaked.

'Calm down, Ashley! What did he say?'

'Nothing! But the view was probably too funny to say something.'

'Oh shut up! Don't be silly.'

She calmed me down. And after I got ready, we took our bags and went into the cafeteria. The boys were already keeping two chairs free.

We sat down and I was too shy to say a word.

Luckily Louis broke the ice.

'So Harry said, he met you in the hall.'

'Er...What did he say?', I asked.

'That you just came out of the shower.'

In this moment I just wanted to sink into the floor.

'And that you looked very pretty for that situation.', Louis said smiling.

'Really? That's what he said?', I said smiling at Harry.

Harry nodded.

I smiled over to Sara. She was right. Harry would never make fun of me.

We had some breakfast and went into class.

In the last row, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Sara, Harry and Louis were sitting right in this order.

I waited for the teacher.

'So class, this is Ashley. She's our new student and I hope you welcome her very friendly. I've read your resumes, so I don't think that you'll have some difficulties with our subjects. Do you want to sit next to someone particular?'

'I'd like to sit next to Sara, if that's possible?', I asked.

The teacher nodded and Harry and Louis slipped one place left to make space.

How much better could it be?

I sat directly between Sara and Harry.

After the first class, we had a five minute break.

Harry sat lend back on his seat and had his arm around mine almost the entire first period. Sara and Zayn were totally busy with eachother and Louis, Niall and Liam were getting some Coke so I talked to Harry.

'Thank's for saying I'm beautiful to the others. It was quite embarrassing for me.', I said.

'It was the truth.', he said winking.

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