Part 11 ♥

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The educator was very nice actually. The others told me that he's really strict, but I've had some worse educators in my life. 

After an hour of talking to me, we came to my room. He said goodbye and I entred the room.

Sara was sitting on her desk and looked desperately over the many sheets she had.

'Hey Sara. Whatcha doin?', I asked happily.

'I am desperately trying to understand maths.', she joked.

'Shall I hep you?'

'Have you actually done it, yet?'


I sat down on my desk and we did math homework together. 

I helped her a lot, but we had fun.

After we just finished, Zayn, Louis and Harry came in.

Zayn sat down next to me.

'Wrong girl, babe.', I said joking.

'Not this time. I seriously need your help with this math crap. I don't get it.', he said.

Sara and I looked at eachother and started laughing.

Louis sat down on my other side and Harry stood behind me.

I explained it to them.

'Okay, now you've got to this. And now it's getting really easy. You just have to clean both sides of the equation. And that's what you should've learned years ago. Did you understand it?', I said.

'Yes, thanks!', Louis said happy.

'Wow, thats easy. Why don't you teach our class?', Zayn joked.

'Amazingly easy. You're the best, hun.', Harry said smiling at me.

'Now I can't see this math stuff anymore. Let's do something else.', I said.

'What about the three sides book report we need for english?', Sara asked.

'Oh honey, I already did this last year in another school. I'm using it again.', I said laughing.

'Unbelivable. That cute and clever girl is sneeky.', Louis joked.

'I like it.', Harry said.

I smiled at him. Oh my god, my heart skips ten beats when he looks me in the eyes and I feel like my knees are so weak, that I'd just like to drown in his arms.

Whilst starring and dreaming, the others talked to me.

'Ashley, hello?', Sara jelled.

'Huh?', I said.

'Sara, you threw her out of her daydream with Harry.', Louis said.

'If I were you, I'd stop being sarcastic to me. You need me for maths!', I said joking.

'Let's have dinner, guys. I'm starving.', Sara said.

'You're speaking my mind girl.', I said.

Sara and I locked arms and went out of the room. The boys followed us.

When we went downstairs, Lisa and her friends were standing at a board.

'Do they finally look for people to sign up for a stupid contest? It'd be your big chance, Lisa!', Sara joked.

'You're not funny, Sara. This is a signing list for a band. They are looking to cast a school band.', Lisa replied, 'You probably don't know what it is, becuase you don't have a cell in your body with any talent. I'll have no competition there.'

I hate it when people talk to my friends like that. And Sara does, too

'Oh really? I think you should hear Ashley sing. She'll knock you down!', Sara said.

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