Part 10 ♥

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I really got mad for being irgnored by him.

'What do you want? I told you, I got stuff to do.', he said.

In some way he still ignored me.

'Harry stop it! I am not as stupid as you think I am. I know that you don't have anything to do right now. You are just trying to not talk to me. If you really were in prison, than I would like to know that.', I yelled.

He suddenly looked at me and after I was finished he screamed back and build himself high before me. I got scared a little.

'Why does it bother you? Do you want to tell everybody else? Or are you ashamed by being seen with someone like me, huh?', he screamed.

'NO!', I screamed as loud as I could.

I acutally never scream. And espacially not to people I hardly know. But I was too pissed to let him win. I got into his face and screamed at him.

'I would like to know wheather I stard to like a criminal or not. I don't really know much about you and now you're lying to me.'

My last words went quite again.

'This hurts.'

He looked at me with open eyes.

'What do you mean with starting to like me?', he asked.

He took one step closer to me. There wasn't even a centimetre space between us. He is some inches taller than me, so I looked up into his eyes. They were a little wet. I don't know wheather it was from the fight or the hard training. He took my hands when I couldn't get a word of my mouth.


'I start liking you. You're different, but I wanna know more about you.'

'Really?', he asked surprised.

'Of course! Why wouldn't I like you? You've been so sweet to me from the first minute I met you.', I smiled and looked down.

'So what is this with us?', he asked.

'Can't say. Maybe we should find that out.', I answered.

'And how?'

'Maybe some dates? Then we could have some time to talk about everything we want to?', I asked.

After I said that, I blushed and looked down.

I felt his hand on my chest, his finger caressing it. He made me smile and came a little closer. I knew that he wanted to kiss me.

'So we're dating now?', he asked smiling.

I nodded. 

But the very moment before our lips touched, the door knocked and I frightend so I stood away from him again. 

In came our educator. 

'Harry? Can I talk to...Oh, hey.', he entred the room.

'Hey.', I said shy.

'You must be Ashley, the new girl. Nice to meet you. Er, Harry? The Principal said that you're allowed to go to that wedding in 3 months.'

'Yes!!', he scremed happily.

'Ashley? I'd like to get to know you, shall I show you around?', he asked.

'Of course, thanks.'

I was actually busy with Harry, but I didn't want to be inpolite.

I walked out of the door and smiled one more time at Harry. 

I took a walk with the educator and left Harry in his room.

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