Part 8 ♥

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After we had lunch with all the others the bell rang again.

'I am going to our room. Shall I wait with the homework so we can do it togehter?', Sara asked.

'No, I'm fine. I'll be back in the afternoon and doing it then.', I replied.

'She's too intelligent for you, honey.', Zayn joked.

'Thanks a lot.', Sara said pissed, but laughing.

Her and the other four boys were leaving.

I gathered my things and Harry waited for me.

'So how did you make it to that german class all alone?', I joked.

'I failed last year at french, so I need another language class.', he said.

'You'll be fine at that, I think.', I smiled.

'How? I am really bad at it.'

'But now you have me to help you.'

I smiled at me.

After we entered the room, Harry sat down in the last row and I joined him.

The teacher started the lesson.

'So, one child is sick today and the other ones are here, alright.

Class? Please welcome our guest for today: Ashley. She is from Germany and speaks german perfectly, besides speaking other 7 languages aswell.'

And then everybody stared at me. I hate that. I looked shyly down. Then he started talking a little german to me.

We worked through some texts and I acutally had fun. After class I talked to the teacher.

'So thank you very much for joining us today. You are welcome to stay with us at anytime.', he said.

'Thanks. I'll maybe take that offer someday.', I replied.

I took all my things and packed them. 

Harry was gone already.

I was wondering where he is and when I left class, he was standing there leaning on the wall. He looked so damn sexy.

'Hey beautiful, wanna join me on a walk?'

'Playing the womanzier today?', I joked.

'It's not playing.'

'Yeah. It's not like we already had talked about going out today.'

'Oh come on, don't make fun of me.'

We laughed and went outside.

There was a backdoor in the fence and after it was a little way next to the big lake.

It was a bautiful picture and I imagined being here in summer.

We sat down on a bench and talked some time.

'Can I ask you something?', I asked carful.

'Of course, you can ask me anything! What is it?', he replied.

'What horrible thing did you do to come here?', I asked a little joking.


The entire walk long he talked a lot to me. I felt like he tristed me a lot. But in this moment he looked away and mumbled something.

'Do I really need to tell you?', he asked hopefully.

'No you don't. I just thought, that you'd probably trust me.', I sad sadly.

'I really do trust you!'

'Then tell me!'

'But I don't want you to think bad of me.'

He looked down. Why would I think bad of him?

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