01: 16 | pain killer

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**TRIGGER WARNING: gore, foul language, extreme violence**

~Axel's POV, continuation~

Damn it all.

"There are some things you can't change about me, Axel," she had said, the expression on her countenance rather still; calm even, yet stoic.

" Pami- but, I-I-"

" You what?! Do you really think that you can save me from myself? This is just the way that it's supposed to be-"

" I-I don't understand..."

" You will NEVER understand, just face it Axel-" she had said, sadly, as crimson poured from her gut, where she was stabbed. And, she continued to get stabbed, over and over again, the blood pouring from her stomach. She started slowly throwing up the mixture of bile, musty, smelly, blood and perhaps some part of that sandwich she had eaten during lunch break.

Slice, slice, SCREECH!

Her last dying words were muffled by her slow descent to death, as she spat out blood from her mouth while being stabbed.

Slice, slice, SCREECH!

Screams of malice, of howling mental insanity left from my mind all the way to the coarse, rebellious reveling reveal of my voice.


As the dagger stabbed her stomach over and over again, mercilessly. Scratching at her gut, toying with her intestines, carving into her stomach; death occurs. Scratching at her gut, blood pouring like a waterfall of pain reduced to a singular biological response that the body reacts from; a pain killer rises. Scratching at her gut, a nearby snake from the woods dives into her empty rib cage, slipping into her stomach; eating her. Scratching at her gut, over and over again; constant revenge. Sweat dribbles from my face and my eyes go wide when I see her scream in agony, as she trembles like a child reacting to Dracula himself.

Child's play.

This is child's play.

Her pupils go white, her whole body goes limp, her lips, skin, fingers, and even her toes turn a sickly purplish-green colour, her intestines are being eaten alive by the poisonous snake, and as the killer continues to squelch her intestines, sq-ueaakkkkk-inggg very slowly, a slow, and cruel death awaits her.

Her last words.

Her last breath.

Her last living being.


Until now, I am haunted.

Haunted by the brutal reality that awaited the love of my life, and also the girl who rejected me. Haunted by the despicable death that awaited Pami Berger, and yes, even though it was such a good day I recalled, it was just like tonight: merciless.

" That damn Sheriff Hernandez... The fucking bastard didn't respond-" I mumble to myself, angrily.

My eyes twitch when I see what is happening before me. Like a metaphorical, earth-shattering, earth-reaping, earth-shaken hurricane, rumbling ravishingly from the heartless heavens, there is an argument brewing. Like a torn couple of lovers, like a love story so brutal and tragic, my heart starts to quake, my anxiety starts to become betrothed to my fear, my logic on edge, my emotion on a heart attack. Ems jumped over the edge of the cliff, Jeremy screamed for help; and I, I simply stared from behind them. Jeremy no longer seemed himself. It seemed rather suspicious, how he started to react to Ems suicide attempt.

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