02: 06 | Tempest's dilemma

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~ Tempest's POV~

" How are you feeling, dear?" I hear a voice ask me. My vision seems blurry; my head feels like it's underwater, trying to fight to stay afloat. There's a weird sense that seems to whisper in my ear, "shhh" and I almost imagine myself floating above an ocean, salty sand dug deep into my fingernails, the ocean whispering things in my ear.

It seems like a sixth sense.

Then, I see, in front of me, an elderly woman, sitting in the chair next to me. Where am I? What the heck happened?

I see that I'm now sitting upright on a hospital bed, an IV cord restraining my movement, and there seems to be a tube inside my mouth, used to let in oxygen when needed. The pale cream walls of the small hospital room are suffocating me, no really, everything at this moment feels and seems suffocating.

I'm sent back to sleep, as I let my mind drift away.


When I wake up, the same elderly woman sitting next to me starts crying. And, I don't know why.

" Ma'am, are you okay?" I ask her, as I place a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

" Yes dear, I-I'm a-alright."

" Are you sure?"

She dabs a tissue in her watery eyes and answers," Yes, I'm alright, Tempest."

I look at her, a bit confused. Who's Tempest? Is she in this room as well? Is she hiding somewhere?

" Uhh, who?" I ask her, as I try to break free of the IV cords connecting me to the heart rate monitor.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you," she warns.

Then, out of nowhere, a nurse comes into the room, holding a tray containing what looks to be mashed potatoes, greasy fried egg, and stinky green beans that look a bit moldy. Ew.

" Thank you, ma'am." The elderly woman thanks to the nurse and with a nod and a 'enjoy' (which is probably NOT what I'll do with this lunch, no siree!) the nurse makes her way out the door with a SLAM! Of the door.

" Wow. She sure must be angry!" I giggle to myself, as look at the unappetizing meal before me.

I decided to ask the old woman beside me, just to verify that this gross mess is my 'lunch'. When she says that I have to eat the meal, I nearly puked on myself.

" Uhh. How about... No?"

" Tempest, dear, you need to eat your food. Why do I have to tell a twenty-one-year-old woman like yourself to eat her food? You aren't a child anymore."

"Twenty-one?!" Okay, now I'm really confused.

Really, everything about this situation is confusing.

First, the fact that I'm inside a hospital room. Secondly, the elderly woman beside me tells me I'm a twenty-one-year-old woman who's apparently named Tempest? I don't understand.

Who am I?

What did I like to do as a child?

What kind of person was I?

Did I ever have a family?

"Dear, if there's something on your mind, you are welcome to tell your Granny Dorothy anything, you know that, right?" The woman tells me, kindly.

F.L.Y.N.N [ Book no.1 of "The Fouling Damned duo"]Where stories live. Discover now