01: 22 | I tried, mother.

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~ Axel's POV; four months ago~

The following day after the bombing.

4 months ago.

August 20XX

" What do you mean that the case is classified, Ems?" I asked Esmeralda, who immediately called me the following morning, around nine o'clock sharp, the moment that Sheriff Hernandez called me the day before in regards to the bombing of the Floyd Detective Corps. headquarters.

I've just woken up, and still groggy from lack of sleep, I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, head still dizzy, temples creasing, eyes swollen.

" Well, the thing is, Sheriff mentioned this is something only the FBI needs to know, not us. Probably involves C.R.I.M.S.O.N no doubt; however, I feel like maybe it might be because Sheriff doesn't feel like he can trust us with the knowledge, who knows..." Ems responds, blandly, seeming unenthusiastic. She doesn't seem to be her normal cheery, bubbly self, which makes sense considering the situation at hand. But, yet, normal, run of the mill Ems wouldn't sound that:


It's as if she's speaking in monotone. 

Not like I am one to judge, however.

Lately, life's been in monotone, be it that. 

However, it's still a bit suspicious.

I clear my throat, and suddenly, I bring up a topic that has nothing to do with what is going on at hand, " Ems, do you still wonder about the Winter of 2010? Do you think what happened over ten years ago has to do with what's going on recently? I mean, C.R.I.M.S.O.N is definitely linked to the drug that's been rolling through the cracks lately, seeing what happened a few weeks ago during the ritual?" 

Ems suddenly goes silent. Ah, bingo. I continue, although it may not seem right to, saying, "I do think that what I brought up just now may have been a tad too sensitive... But, it is the truth, so I need to bring it up, regardless."

She remains:


However, unable to read the room, I continue to speak, " I know that the woman who claimed to be called 'Granny Dorothy' knew something about the Winter of 2010. Maybe that's why C.R.I.M.S.O.N. went out to attack her apartment, correct?" 

She still remains:



Silence fills the conversation for a few seconds, and then suddenly, the moment I had stopped talking for a tad, Ems suddenly-

" WILL YOU SHUT UP, AXEL?! Yes, I know we are detectives. YES I know this case has to do with the Winter of 2010. YES I know that it is linked to that woman and her husband's death! But WILL YOU PLEASE, do YOU HAVE NO HEART??! It is a topic that is rather hard for me especially to talk about!" 

No... Heart? 

What does she mean...


I see... I forgot that her mother was:

Eaten alive... During the Winter of 2010.

F.L.Y.N.N [ Book no.1 of "The Fouling Damned duo"]Where stories live. Discover now