01: 05 | I'll kill her if you don't first

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TEN missed calls. All from Pami Berger.

A few days has passed since that gruesome experience, and since then, I've been trying my hardest to avoid her. I even canceled the date we were supposed to have this weekend.

" RING!RING!RING!" The doorbell chants. Peeking through, I see someone.

And, it's not YOU.

A letter is tossed through the metal slot in the door, used for mail. This letter, it is yellowing at its ends and looked as if someone has crumpled it and then tried to smoothen out the paper, but has ceased to accomplish such a task.

The letter only has seven letters, and an address:

I'll kill her if you don't first.

1302 Salisbury Drive, 77678

Salisbury, New York City, United States

And, I see that a photo slips out of the crisp envelope. The photo looks burnt at its edges, and is ripped in half. The half of what I see in the photo is the face of a woman. She has long, black hair, an upturned nose, and is wearing a black magician's hat. Her face, I can't see very well, but I can recognize who she is.

And, I know: Pami has blackmailed me, and now, I have no choice.

Otherwise, this romance we have, will be overheard by the officials...

And they'll definitely not take my side, the man who has slain her family.

Looking at the plastic container of blood that is on the counter, I can't help but be tempted by its smell, its texture. There's something about blood that can make my whole body arouse in excitement, and that's...

A fact.


It's been nearly two months since I've experienced I've tried to get you out of my fucking life. YOU text me every night the same thing: ' BEING WITHOUT YOU HURTS LIKE HELL'. Yeah, I get how you're gonna be a bitch about this whole situation, and maybe that's kind of a bad word to describe you. But hey, I have every right to say that.

Or do I?

" URGHH!" I clench my head, in pain, as I scream out loud. These flashbacks. They keep coming.

" I don't even know you anymore."

" Who are you to me? A nobody!"

I hear the voice, my voice, say in my head. The dark thoughts surround me, as I see myself sitting in a chair. And, not just any chair.

This chair is covered in blood, and my arms and ankles are tied to it, my whole face looking down. There's a monster above me, speaking into my mind, harassing my innocence and devouring my courage.

" I knew it, hehe!" The monster's long, purplish tongue falls unto my head, its slobber drenching me.

I see myself look up, but... I'm smiling.

A very chaotic, psycho-type of smile.

"No, no, NO! PLEASE, SOMEONE!! ANYONE!" I'm still caught in this brink of destruction of my mind, as I'm being taken over by evil itself. I have the same bloody knife that I used to slice off YOUR father's hand off of, and I lick off the blood, satisfying my hunger.

F.L.Y.N.N [ Book no.1 of "The Fouling Damned duo"]Where stories live. Discover now