01: 23 | blood tears

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****TRIGGER WARNINGS: gore, violence, blood***

~ Axel's POV, continuation~

The rain's pouring today. 

I think the clouds are in pain today; grey and dismal, nimbostratus and all, spread across the dismal, dreary, dark, sky. 

The rain's pouring today.

I feel as if the world should just stop for a second, so I can just look at the sky and imagine all the pain that I feel is in each droplet of rain, ever so fleeting.

Falling down, 

Falling down, 


There's nothing left for me.

There's nothing more:

To live for.


The weather's making me rather moody today.

I think this is why, after that call with Esmeralda, all I can think about is YOU.

The weather's making me rather moody today.

I feel as if my blood is falling from my eyes, tears of blood representing every drop of blood I'd shed for YOU.

But, I just realized, but would YOU have done the same for me, Pami?


After making a U-turn and two lefts, I make it to the place. 

It took around five minutes and thirty seconds by car, being that I know the way to drive there, and the rain. It would've taken two minutes, if it weren't for those factors. 

I turn off the car and reach into my jean pocket to grab my keys, lock the car, all the while checking to make sure I didn't hit the curb. I didn't, thankfully.

It's still raining.

Melancholy, it is, this very moment, as I ponder upon my thoughts as the rain continues to mercilessly pound the ground, the thunder looking like it's on its verge of striking. The melancholy of YOU.

As I start to walk away from my car and turn into a long, winding path leading to a forest, I trudge my feet forward, as if representing the weight of my actions.


Why, this is the regret, the pain and the sadness of my wrongdoings.

 The trees, so dark and dreary, wet from the rain, its leaves swishing back and forth, back and forth are telling me so. So as sudden wind picks up speed, swirling the rain droplets and briskly splattering some across my face, I feel it: 

The weight of the world.

The path feels heavy on my grey rain boots, and its bright red colour is a stark distinction amongst the darkness. 

Above, the moon shines a bright, pale, yellow; crescent and barely visible; hidden.

And so, as I walk slowly through the path, deep in thought, all my:

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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