01: 17 | bad battle

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~Axel's POV, continuation~

Disappoint: to fail to fulfill the hopes or expectations of someone.

Disappointment: sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.

Disappointed: sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one's hopes or expectations.


Where else did I know you?

YOU, who stood there, holding a blood-ridden axe behind your back, looking innocently into my eyes, oh but with greed! 

YOU, who stood there, acting as if nothing bad has happened just then and there, YOU who caused this bad battle between my angel and my devil; right before my eyes. 

Hazy, hazy.

There goes the wind as it howls so, there goes the trees as they falter down from the fire that has set them ablaze. Burning bright, ashes, setting the tone of this moment. Once vibrant green that splurged this woodsy place; once life, now forgotten, now trembling in fear over its predecessor. Why is it so violent here? Say, the world has gone so violent, now. But the devil in her heart continues to ravish through her veins, spewing venom through her lungs. Blood, blood, blood. Splatter, splatter, splatter. She continues to crush the boy's chopped-off head in greed, smiling like a child who's just won the lottery. In fact, perhaps she really did win. Perhaps, in her mind, she's already won.



But, this bad battle... Isn't over yet, dear.

Say, say-

" Why do you look so familiar to me? Where else did I know you?" I ask her, and yet-

She stops, suddenly. She stops, and suddenly, she drops the bloody axe. Thump! There goes her sanity, as she is released from the heathen of her mind. 

And then, she takes off running, in the opposite direction of where I stand. 


It is human nature to detest pain. 

It is deemed maniacal to enjoy it.

It is foolish to implicit upon it.

At least, this was what my dead mother had said. 

She was always one for insightful, perhaps broody even, sayings. She with that same sad smile painted across her countenance. She with that weirdly positive outlook on life. Why, why, did she leave me?


I refuse to believe that she died by hanging herself. Call it idiocracy, call it the works of a lunatic, but I am not one for fairytales; told by the likes of even those lawyers and judges themselves: she died for a reason


No matter how much I look into it I just don't:


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