02: 18 | dream guy

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~ Tempest's POV, four months later~

I RECALL I had a dream last night.

A dream about a disfigured young girl, drowning in the depths of the Atlantic. I could almost imagine the sand brushing against this young girl's skin as she is washed up to the shore, salty, stinging, sinful ocean water penetrating her lungs. Water clogs her eardrums, as she'd remain there, still as a statue on the shore, the sun's obnoxiously bright rays blinding her vision. She still recalled what had happened before:

When she was drowning.

Drowning in her pain, wallowing in her burning, brash, booming, blatant, HATRED for him.

When she was falling.

Falling in love with THAT smile, twas' tried, true, trembling in sadness, HATED for his smile itself.

She didn't understand.

She'll NEVER understand.

" YOU betrayed me, " he had told her as crimson seeped from his heart, as he faded into existence.

" I loved you, but now, love's burnin' dear. Burnin' red."

It was like that feeling one gets when one attempts suicide or attempts murder and they know they can't do anything about it in the end, and even though they know what they are doing is wrong, they can't help but do it anyway. They can't stop their pain... But... They can't solve their own either.

She let her eyes rest once more, just even for ten minutes.

But then she hears the screaming.

The bloodcurdling, frightening, oh so violent scream throughout the oceans, as if calling her back in:

To drown herself, once more.

And, that's when the dream stops, and I wake up, palms sweating, head burning, heart pounding.

And I'm strapped to a heart monitor connected to an IV cord.

And, for some reason, I have this odd sense of deja vú: that this same exact situation happened before-


" So, did you have a good sleep?" I hear a voice speak, suddenly. Calm, collected, yet, possessing an edge of flamboyance, teasing even.

The voice belongs to a very handsome young man: long-ish dark brown hair, curled in bits and bobs, possessing light green eyes, so light that they could've been mistaken as a pale grey-ish colour. Dark cashew and white checkered coloured slacks. Black turtleneck sweater. Grey linen blazer. He smiles at me, a somewhat crooked smile even. A childish, and charming kind of smile.

He walks over to me, and offers his left hand, grinning.

" Pleasure to meet you, I'm Louis. And, I assume you are the woman I've saved from the fire?"


What fire?

" Umm, I'm sorry, what do you mean by-" I start to say, shaking my head, confused.

" Oh! I forgot... You were in a coma for at least four months... Oof, sorry! My bad!" He chuckles. His smile:

It seems familiar.
Like I've met him-

F.L.Y.N.N [ Book no.1 of "The Fouling Damned duo"]Where stories live. Discover now