02: 09 | a monster

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~ Tempest's POV~

" W-who, no... What exactly are you?" At the moment of my stuttering, the man can sense my fear. But yet, I see that he's trembling, looking like a scared little boy. He has this surprising look of innocent on his face, one can even bet he's a good person.

But he's not.

" What the fuck," he scowls. He has tears in his eyes, and he mumbles under his breath a word that I even doubt myself as well:


However, when he notices that I heard his mutter, immediately, he jumps off of the tree branch and starts to run past me.

Just like last time.

But this time, I try to run to find him.

This man in a monkey mask, seems like me, lost and confused. Lonely and agitated.

But disturbed.


Sometimes, people say that life just ceases to exist. I mean hey, the glass isn't always even half full, and even when it is, there's a likely chance that it might break...

I ran after, as I started to recall it all.

The salty scent lingered in the air, ripples in the water racing past each other; they shimmied through the rough, rugged rocks. Tall, obscure, and towering over among my blood-ridden body, as it floated on top of the burbling, see-through water, the pine trees stood there, shading me from the harsh rays of the sun. By just taking a look at the crimson spilling from my deep cut wounds, you'd think I wouldn't remember anything, or care about anything. Yet, I recall it all. The wailing, the crying, the one who pushed me down that fucking cliff. I wish I could say I'm proud of the person I'd become, but I guess I'm what they'd call pessimistic.

Don't you forget that I'm a monster? Oh yes, darling, you probably did...

As I ran, I ran farther, stronger. It's as if something has paved their way ahead of me, and it's like I can almost imagine the torturers from my dreams running behind me, chasing me, rambling tales of brutally killing the little girl inside of me, just... For the fun of it. However, the more I can across the rugged, rocky roads, leading off to the forests, I get a sense of actual nostalgia, perhaps deja vu of what lies ahead.

The same tall, obscure, pine trees towered over me from above, and the rushing tides pitter-pattered at the very same pace as I have imagined- as I've remembered it to be.

I continue to run across the forest, in this heavy fog that's starting to rise from below my feet. Pacing myself, making sure to make deep and steady inhales, and exhaling abruptly, out of instinct. Heart thumping against my chest, like someone, was drumming their hands onto it, in a harsh, heavy notion. There's a pause every so often between the next inhale after the previous exhale, and I notice a dark, grisly, shadow lurking ahead of me, holding what looks like a knife.

The shadow breathes out puffs of smoke, no, fruity-scented vape. As he starts to walk his way toward me, my heart starts to beat a million miles per hour, at rapid speed. I pivot and run the opposite direction, however, I end up falling into a trap.

A large human-scale fishnet scoops my body up, accelerating it up the top of the pine tree. I start to scream, inevitably scared of my life, as I'm being thrust upward, rapidly. The icy, cold, wind outside causes my head to spin when as my body inside the fishnet starts to pull towards the top of the tree. This feeling can almost be compared to one of those rides at the carnival, the one where you are placed in a small seat, and thrust upward. Except, imagine this at higher speed, higher ground, and without any safety belt, and no one to sue the carnival if sudden death would occur.

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