02: 08 | the monkey man

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~Tempest's POV~

" Who are you?" the man in front of me, asked with a blank expression, a stoic face. He's looking up and down at me as if trying to observe my very posture, judging it, speculating that since I have this terrible habit of slouching a ton that it will impact my personality, my wellbeing.

He grabs me by the wrist, with an intense look in his eyes.

"He has pretty blue eyes..." I mumble accidentally, hoping that he didn't hear me speak, nonetheless utter a compliment at his face.

" Huh?" He continues to squint his eyes hard, and his grip on my wrist tightens.

Crap crap crap! He looks so fucking angry right now I'm going to cry.

Think brain! Think!

" Uhhh, I uhhh erm..." I begin to say, but I've lost words for what I'm supposed to say my intended argumentative attack. Geez, my head hurts these days from the coma and shit.

The man himself seems to be like a giant to me, he's about I'd say an entire head taller than me, and he's well built, gives off those I've-been-to-the-gym-tons vibes. Wearing a long corduroy checkered trench coat, with a white turtleneck sweater underneath, I'd rate this outfit a ten out of ten for sure! He catches me getting lost in this deep sea of blue, and once he does, I blush tomato red.

" Pfft." He says, with a small smile.

I smile back at him, and when I do, he clears his throat intentionally, as if trying to hide his pretty smile.

" Oh, uhh... I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Tempest," I offer him a hand.

However, he doesn't take it. And then, he turns his back from me, and starts to walk away, brushing past my shoulder, roughly.

What an ass!

" Tch." I scowl, and I straighten my black coat with a sigh. Well, one thing's for sure, you can never truly be nice to everyone and not everyone will surely be nice to you.

Especially since... Since:

They are all convinced that I'm the monster here.


It is about a quarter past midnight, and I'm still here, at the same building.

The lights suddenly flicker.

The building looks bleak and spooky with all of the officers and detectives gone. The empty space surrounds me, and I take a small gulp. I start to break into a heavy sweat.

Flicker once.

I'm starting to doubt not taking the secretary's advice to leave this building before it strikes midnight. After that encounter with that rude man, everyone started to leave and I don't... I don't know why.

Flicker twice.

" Okay, now this is getting scary..." I mumble under my breath, as I look around, shivering. Even though the air conditioning is turned off in this building, it's fifty degrees outside and the door is wide open for all the cold-

" When was that... Open?" I ask myself.

The darkness continues to envelope itself around me, and then the lights dim and turn off completely.


The door shuts slowly, and steadily, leaving my heart racing a million miles per second. At this rate, I'm starting to get so worried for my life once more, that I-

F.L.Y.N.N [ Book no.1 of "The Fouling Damned duo"]Where stories live. Discover now