02: 14 | that SAME man

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~ Tempest's POV, continuation~

FROM THE LOOKS of it, it looks like a twist between an old-fashioned saloon and a simple, homey, bar. The bar is underground, down a few flights of stairs made of brass, making my stilettos click-clank against the steps really loud. Like really loud.

When we make it down the two or three or maybe even four, flights of stairs, there is an open door that leads into the spacious, and modern-looking, yet homey, bar. There are rows of tables with rounded metal chairs that can make it hard for a person of shorter stature sits on them. There are small wooden vases filled to the brim with pink and white roses, looking straight out of Valentine's day advertisements on the television. There is an area at the back of the bar where people can dance to club music and the like. Oh, and the cool thing is the hallway to the right that has around ten or so small rooms where customers can sing karaoke and order food from the bartenders.

The moment I walk into the bar, I start to think that Ems has overdone both my outfit and my makeup just a tad. Observing the ladies at the bar, I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this outfit, and moreso, this eye-catchy makeup! While I'm here wearing sparkly copper-coloured eyeshadow, three-inch stilettos, and wearing pearls on my necklace and earrings, as well as my rings, some of the ladies here aren't even wearing makeup! Geez, Ems...

" Eh? What's wrong, Tem?" Ems asks me as we make our way into the bar.

" Haha, it's nothin-"

Suddenly, I see him.

I see the man whom I suspect is the-

" Hey, glad you two made it! And geez, Tempest, you look a bit pale... Do you need to sit down, or get some water, maybe?" I hear him ask me, this so-called man called Axel Tremblay uses the silence filling the air to his advantage as he tries to lighten up the mood as we enter. He's wearing a grey knitted turtle neck sweater underneath his signature long, dark, corduroy trench coat, and has his dark, straight, hair all combed in a middle part, emphasizing his beautiful cerulean eyes, masked by his ominous soul, his greedy desires. He's smiling at me, complete with wide, white teeth, and full rosy-tinted lips, that look actually natural. He's so beautiful-

He's so... Terrifying.

Terrifyingly beautiful.

Ems gives me a playful nudge, as she says, " Girl, say something. You look almost star-struck or somethin'" And, as if on cue, Axel gives me a small wink and says playfully, " Hmm... It looks like Tempest here is just struck by my charm, and my handsomeness~"

Immediately, I flush a bright tomato red, and try to hide it saying, " Charm? Handsomeness? Ha!! As if! You look like a teenage girl, buddy, who'd wanna fall for you?" Ah yes, and even as I say this, I'm still in the process of hiding my face with the back of my right hand, complete with the light minty-green manicure that Ems had given me earlier. Double ew.

Even so, he continues to smile my way, ever so cheekily.

" Well, well, well, Look who's here! Weggy, my mans, ya' finally made it!" Axel exclaims, as he brushes past my shoulder over to the man heading into the bar, Detective Jeremy Jenkins.

" Actually, I wasn't supposed to be here, considering my loaded schedule today-" Weggy starts to say, as he gives Axel a bro handshake, looking like a duo of highschool boy-like idiots when they do so.

Weggy is dressed in a black tuxedo, with a long red tie, and has his dreadlocks pulled back into a ponytail, complete with his signature black square glasses and boring plus, nagging attitude.

F.L.Y.N.N [ Book no.1 of "The Fouling Damned duo"]Where stories live. Discover now