Lovepotion Frenzy

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TW; there will be mentions of mild sexual harassment, so if it makes you uncomfy, please skip this chapter. :)

I was quite surprised my house was able to organize a large-scale party. Where they managed to sneak fire whisky from I wasn't even about to ask. This party was fifth year and up only, and I felt kind of bad for the fourth year and down Ravenclaws who were practically shoved into the dorm rooms and not allowed to leave under any pretences.

Some seventh year managed to cast a protection spell that didn't let through anyone below the fifth year. That same girl cast a muffliato charm and an invisibility shield that made the common room appear clean and vacant. As soon as you could surpass those barriers, however, that was a whole different story. The common room was dark, lit up with only the small and dim blue lights lining the walls and floor edges. A pleasant-smelling vapour filled the air, giving the entire common room atmosphere a dreamy-like haziness. The top floor overlooked the bottom, and a few tables with very obviously spiked punches stood near the stairwell. The logic of the Ravenclaw in charge of alcohol is that "if they're capable of walking up the stairs, they can have more." I stood next to those tables, wearing something June managed to convince me to put on. Bright red lipstick slightly overlined my lips, and a sparkly gloss gave it a pretty finish. June drew on some wings for me and applied some golden glitter to my top eyelids. As for the outfit, I simply had a tacky sweater paired with some mom jeans.

June herself was wearing a very skintight red plastic dress that distinctly squeaked as she struggled to put it on. Her hair was now a black buzz cut. Usually, June was slightly shorter than me, but with the platforms that she wore that night, she must have been at least four inches taller than me.

People started to quickly flood in, and I grabbed a drink, as did June.

"Oy Stone." I heard a Scottish voice behind me, causing me to whip around almost immediately and come face to face with Oliver Wood.

He was tall and towered over me. His head was slightly tilted back, and his large hands sat snugly in his pockets. He wore a pair of black trousers and a bright red Gryffindor sweater making him look regal. I felt myself involuntary gulp down.

"What do you want Wood," I asked, courteously pouring him a drink.

"A drink." He chuckled, taking the cup from me.

"If that's it, then you got what you wanted," I replied coolly, ready to turn to June only to find her place next to be absent.

"I also wanted to congratulate you on your victory." He continued unperturbed, "I was impressed that you won under such conditions with so many new teammates."

"I've been training them like they needed to be," I responded, feeling my cheeks flush.

"A little sad we didn't get to perform our annual rendezvous at the library this time eh?" He joked, his grin widening.

"I guess it has become a bit of a habit hasn't it?" I smiled.

"Oh shit," Oliver looked past me and down to the lower floor.

I looked down at him. The bottom floor was already crowded with dancing party attendees. It took me a few seconds to understand what Oliver was gaping at. Near one of the corners, I could see Sarah grinding against Erick, the slimy Slytherin boy in his seventh year.

"Is that-" Oliver started in disbelief.

"Yeah." I nodded, shaken. "Shit, where's June?"

"Y/n!" Lori exclaimed from behind us, and Oliver and I whipped around to see her standing with Elio casually draping an arm over her shoulder. "Oh, this place looks wonderful."

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