Coming To A Close

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I stood at the entrance to the dining hall alongside Oliver and the others. One of the large doors opened and McGonagall ushered us in.

"The ball is tomorrow, so we are not learning anything too fancy," She started, "I made each of you a little note with every step on it, so please reread it a few times.

Step forward with the left foot. Right foot step sideways to the right. Bring your left foot next to your right foot. Step back with the right foot. Step back sideways with the left foot. Bring your right foot next to your left foot.

I scanned the paper a few times.

"Now I would like someone to do it with me to demonstrate, any volunteers?" No one stepped forward.

"Alright, Weasley, care to join me?" McGonagall shot him a look that made it clear she would hex him dead on the spot if he refused.

"Alright professor" Percy gulped down.

"Alright, now put your hand on my waist, yes, just like that," She adjusted his hand, "And now, one, two, three, one..."

They began to twirl around the dining hall.

"They look quite cute together, don't you think?" I whispered to Oliver, to which he snickered.

"Don't you worry, we'll blow their performance out of the water." He gave me a thumbs up.

"Now grab your partners and try for yourselves,' McGonagall let go of poor Percy and turned on a metronome, "Feel free to improvise, but stay within the beat."

Oliver lined up his body to mine, and I felt my breath hitch slightly. His large hand gently hovered over my waist,

"Is this ok?" He asked cautiously, and only put it down when I nodded.

"One, two, three. One, two, three," I counted to myself as we stepped into the waltz.

Oliver moved in perfect sync with me, and we began to glide across the room alongside the other couples. Once we began actually feeling the rhythm Oliver began to lift me in the air with every other turn, and each time it felt like we were floating. I knew he was strong because of quidditch, but I never truly realized how strong he was. His face showed no effort of even lifting me, and his large hands sat snugly on my waist when he did. Suddenly there was no one else around us and just him and I, enjoying each other's presence.


The day of the ball was mainly spent packing, and when I finished mine, I took a look around the room I used to spend most of my nights sleeping in. Tonight was my last night in it, but now it was much less cluttered, with everyone's luggage next to their beds.

June came out of the bathroom with her hair done up for the ball. Liane and I gasped. Junes hair was set in long dark blue curls that shone with what almost looked like stars. Her hair gave the full illusion of a starry night, and it sparkled and shone under each light.

"'Oly sheet!" June whispered under her breath, "You could be on ze cover of Vogue!"

June smiled bashfully, but she looked happy to have that effect on us.

We began excitedly chatting whilst putting on our dresses and makeup. Liane helped me squeeze into mine, and the three of us stood back looking at me in the mirror.

 Liane helped me squeeze into mine, and the three of us stood back looking at me in the mirror

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