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Winter break crept up on me quicker than I anticipated, and I was standing in the kitchen of my old home, preparing for the New Years.

"So how was your fifth year at Hogwarts dear?" My mom asked whilst cleaning the house for the arrival of our Christmas guests, the Woods.

"Oh you know, pretty good." I shrugged.

"I heard Oliver was also made Captain." She said nonchalantly, setting the dishes down.

"Yeah, unfortunately." I grunted, grabbing a handful of almonds from the cupboard.

"Oh don't be like that." I could hear my mom's smile. "I know you'll soften up to him."

"Mom it's been what, 10 years now?" I said, shoving the handful of almonds in my mouth. "I haven't softened up to him yet, and I don't intend to any time soon."

"He's a nice boy-"

"It's almost like you want him more as a son than you want me as a daughter." I sneered.

"Quite handsome too." My mom wiggled her eyebrows, ignoring my last remark.

"If you like him so much, then go marry him." I rolled my eyes.

"That's what I'm hoping you would do." She giggled. "Besides, I love your father very much, even if he's not with us anymore."

We fell silent. My father had only died a few years ago, a terminal blood disease given to him during the first war. The house still felt quite empty without him at times, and I couldn't imagine what my mother must have felt. Father was a muggle born; Conrad Emory Stone. He was an Auror up until his untimely death. I remembered him working late shifts, and to make it up always coming home with sweets or small trinkets. Sometimes I would get up early just to watch him drink coffee before heading off to work. He was the one that taught me how to ride a broomstick when I was only two and a half. I smiled at the memories, and looked over to my mother who too, had a sad smile turning up the corners of her lips.

"He loves you very much too, ma." I said softly, before exiting the kitchen.



"Coming!" I shouted down the stairs, as I rushed to the door.

Throwing open the door, I saw Oliver Wood standing timidly next to his parents. It was easy to tell who he got his genes from, as his father was very easily decipherable as a once tall handsome young man. Oliver's mother on the other hand was a short and plump woman, with a kindly face, and a warm smile.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Wood." I smiled warmly. "Hello Oliver."

"Oh hello dear, how nice to see you!" Mrs. Wood exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Come on Margaret, you're suffocating the poor girl." Mr. Wood smiled, his gaunt features instantaneously lighting up with a bright smile, showcasing his perfect teeth that were identical to Oliver's.

"Marge, Richie, how good to see you!" I heard my mom shout, running up to the door.

I was let go almost instantly, and the bear hug of Margaret Wood was now being reciprocated by my Mother.

"Well come in won't you?" My mother said, slightly panting from the tight hug.

"Well we weren't planning to head back." Mr. Wood laughed, stepping inside.

"Y/n, show Oliver to his bedroom, and while your at it, occupy yourselves with something to do until dinner." My mom smiled, shooing me off.

I started walking up the stairs, only to turn around half way up.

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