The Slimy Slytherin

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The Holidays came and went quickly, and before long I was back in Hogwarts, having early morning quidditch practices with my team. Flint was still angry at his rejection by me, and so tried to tell people that he was the one who rejected me because I was all over him. Much to his dismay, there were more than enough witnesses at the Three Broomsticks to disprove his account. The month of January was rather brutal. The O.W.L's were fast approaching, and I had to juggle studying with constant quidditch practices.

"Hello Miss Stone," Professor Flitwick smiled cheerily from behind his small spectacled glasses.

It was the time for my consultation about what I would like to pursue as a career beyond Hogwarts.

"Good afternoon Professor." I smiled back, feeling jittery.

"Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to become after Hogwarts?" Flitwick asked, his eyes transfixed on me.I thought only for a moment, before answering.

"Well this might sound hopeful, but I want to become a professional quidditch player," I said, blushing slightly.

"That is quite ambitious Miss Stone," Flitwick said thoughtfully, smoothing out his long moustache, "And were you any other student I would've told them to pursue something more realistic."

"You said were I any other student, does that mean-"

"You are certainly one of the most remarkable quidditch players I have ever met, and I do believe that you are more than capable of making it in that industry." He gave me a kindly smile. "For that to occur, however, you must start looking for internships over the summer centred around quidditch. I can provide you with the necessary contacts for that."

"Thank you, sir!" I grinned excitedly.

"Although this path doesn't require a good education, I would suggest you try to do your best in all the classes you will take, to have something to fall back on." Flitwick's voice grew stern. "The Quidditch industry can be quite unreliable."


The Ravenclaw against Slytherin was fast approaching, and I was determined not to lose. June and Sarah spent most of their free time in the library studying for the O.W.L's, so when I wasn't playing quidditch, I was with them memorizing the entirety of my class textbooks.

The day of the match was late February. It was exceptionally windy, and the sky was pulled over with grey clouds. I sat in the library early morning, alternating between Quidditch Strategies 101 and my Potions textbook.I kept glancing up now and then at the library door as if expecting someone to come in. It was almost like I knew who I was waiting for, but couldn't quite place my finger on it. It wasn't like I was anxious for them to come, but it's like I wanted them to.Suddenly the door flung open and that weird feeling disappeared. In walked the annoying boy I didn't want to see; Oliver Wood. He was wearing his usual grin and seemed in a rather chipper mood.

"You Stone," He said, jabbing a finger into my direction as he plopped down in front of me, "Should be thanking me."

"And why is that?" I shut the book in front of me.

"Because, I caught Flint and his team trying to weasel their way out of the game today due to the weather, and I alerted McGonagall." He beamed.

"How were they planning to do that?" I asked incredulously.

"By feigning a group sickness. McGonagall caught them in the act of brewing a swelling potion after I led her to them." He chuckled, placing his head on his hands.

"And what are you going to do with this information?" I giggled. "I reckon you should spread it around the school."

"You see, I would," Oliver frowned, "But McGonagall said I wasn't to tell anyone. The fact that I'm even telling you is against the rules"

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