Winner Takes The Date

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The first match of the season was as per usual, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. It was a rough match and I suspected Slytherin tampered with the bludger, but even than Harry Potter, the Gryffindor seeker, caught the snitch, breaking his arm in the process.

Gryffindors victory only stirred me to continue intense practice with my team. Practices regularly happened in the rain, as I refused for it to hinder our schedule. The Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff match was held only two weeks after the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin one. Not to mention the new teammates that made the team in tryouts have yet to prove their abilities. In fact, the majority of the Ravenclaw team were fresh faces. Elio Clive, Randolph Burrow, and Roger Davies were the only players other than myself that remained.

Our replacement of Anna as the seeker was a second-year Ravenclaw Cho Chang. She proved to have a good eye in tryouts and seemed to be overall agile on her broom. Then there was the new beater Jason Samuels, who was a blonde heavy set fourth year who had an exceptionally strong grip, and a heavy swing. Lastly, a new keeper was in order, and for that, I found a rather good fifth year by the name of Grant Page. I almost mistook him for a Weasley, with his bright auburn hair and copious freckles dusting his pink cheeks.

As per my usual habit, I got up with the sun on the day of our quidditch game. The library was my sanctuary, despite me not being especially studious. It was the one place where I could wind down with no one wildly screaming or coughing up mucus from another Weasley prank.

I sat down at the table closest to the window and stared absentmindedly at the grey clouds pooling over the horizon. I didn't expect it to be rainy, however, but a strong wind was something I prepared myself for. A thick fog rolled over the castle grounds, giving an almost ethereal feeling to the morning air. Frost lightly peppered the ground, almost looking like a thin layer of snow. I pressed my cheek against the cold glass panel of the window, feeling it's stark contrast in temperature against my skin.

I heard the library door creak open, but didn't take my gaze from the outside. I already knew who it was, and I smiled to myself as his soft footsteps got closer.

"Are you ready to suffer your first loss of the season?" I heard the annoying smirk translated through the familiar Scottish voice.

"Not going to happen Wood," I said, ripping my eyes from the window, and turning to face him. "Hufflepuff might be even less competent than Gryffindor when it comes to quidditch."

Oliver chuckled, plopping down in the seat next to mine, a cup of coffee in his hand. As it was a Saturday he wasn't wearing the usual uniform, and because today there wasn't any practice he wasn't wearing his quidditch gear either. Instead, he wore a red knit quidditch sweater, with a black turtleneck layered underneath. A pair of old denim jeans hung loosely on his thin legs, and a pair of tattered vans sat snugly on his feet.

"Well, Hufflepuff has a new captain." Oliver grinned, taking a swig from his mug.

"I'm well aware of pretty boy Diggory." I snorted. "Honestly the only quidditch player to hire as captain worse than him is you."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." Oliver huffed.

"Hey Wood, could I have some of your coffee?" I asked, already reaching for his cup.

"Ah, ah Stone," Oliver tutted, pulling his mug back, "Not after being mean to me, no."

"I'm sorry for hurting your wittle feewings." I pouted. "Now give me your coffee."

"Magic word?" Oliver cocked his head to the side in a teasing manner.

"Avada kedavra." I scowled, slumping back in my seat.

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