A Beater With Elegance

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"You came looking for me on the train?" I asked Oliver in our charms class.

"Well," He smirked, "Wouldn't it be a shame if my only good competitor kicked the bucket?"

"I guess it would, wouldn't it?" I snickered. "But even still, had I not know you well enough, I would think you're worried for me."

"That's because I was," Oliver said with not a hint of laughter in his voice, and I felt my heart do a leap.

"I don't understand," I stammered, trying to find an answer on his face.

"No, I suppose you wouldn't, Stone." A grin spread on his cheeks again.

"Excuse me Woody, but what is that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms and scowled. "Are you mocking me right now, because I will warn you I have a few good hexes up my sleeve."

Even as those words left my mouth, I could feel a large lump in my throat, and a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was as though a sudden urge to get closer to him. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to count every freckle on his face.

"I would never do that." Oliver put his hands up, "Me? Teasing you? You've got the wrong man Stone."

"If we were not in class right now, I would go for your throat." I scowled, trying my hardest to shake that warm feeling I got from staring at Oliver.

His warm hazel eyes only enticed me to stare more, and it took force for me to look back to my parchment and notes.

I left that class feeling lighter than a feather, and it was as though I was floating alongside June and Liane and Lori to my DADA Class.

"You know, Lupin really doesn't seem too bad." Lori trailed on. "I mean sure he doesn't have Lockhart's smile or big blue eyes, but he's got something of a homely air to him. I reckon he'll grow on me."

"Oui, Lupeen has a sort of élégant to him." Liane nodded. "Très bel homme."

"Don't you still have a boyfriend?" June groaned in annoyance. "Or is it out of sight out of mind for you?"

"Just because you're wholly devoted to Sarah and refuse to look at anyone else doesn't mean I'm not wholly devoted to Elio and don't refuse to look at anyone else." Lori protested. "Y/n back me up!"

"Hm?" I looked over at them. "What do you want me to back up?"

"You're dating Elio, and you two are very much in love, but that doesn't stop you from looking at other people does it?" Lori stated matter of factly. "You do have a crush on someone don't you?"

"Oh, uhm." I stumbled, taking my brain for a decent answer.

"Don't humour her delusions," June said, unknowingly saving me from further embarrassment. "Say, you're looking awful happy right now, you got a new quidditch strategy planned out perfectly or something?"

"Something like that." I shrugged her off.

"How do you have a boyfriend, when all you ever think about is quidditch?" June chuckled.

"You don't!" Liane stepped up for me.

"That's because I have a girlfriend." June started laughing. "Sarah is much better than any slimy boy in this school."

"Tu es lesbienne?" Liane pointed at June, her eyes going as wide as dinner plates.

"Problem?" June challenged defensively.

"Non, non, non, ehm no, am no problème!" Liane stuttered, "I didn't know, I am not judge, tu es valide!"

"I'm just kidding." June started to crack up again. "You should've seen your face!"

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